Hey, that's a great idea, Noddy :-D
ossobuco wrote:I seem to remember that it was california code to have grab bars at an angle - perhaps just preferred - but now in cheap developer land, I have miserable f'n plasticware shower-tubs, one with no grab bar, and the other with a tiny part-of-the-tub-structure horizontal bar. Pfffftt.
Noddy, there are a lot of nifty gizmos out there. A tall vertical bar sounds like it could be a good idea.
I have a plasticwareshower-tub. On the other side of that plastic, there are still studs to fasten into.
Yeah, you say. This house is missing studs. I tell you, it's a piece of poo.
In my case, I'd like a grab bar outside of the shower. Studfinder starts with the light at 5/8" from the plasticware, and then not another one until the door jamb area. Don't get me going on this....
Mr Noddy want a project.
He wants to make decisions and have some control and power just like when he was 30/40/50.
Check with aged care facilitiy maintanance guys to see what bathroom accessories are standard. They will have what works installed. Maybe Mr N can do this research.
Osso: nothin worse than a house with no studs for you to hook onto, you naughty girl.
Smiles, coughs, don't get me started, dadpad. And I have two, count 'em, two, studfinders.
Ouch! I didn't know the place was built that bad.
Believe me, I am refusing to accept delegated authority.
For the present the Walk In Bathtub idea has been abandoned. Mr. Noddy is investigating sound equipment, instead.
I just say a flyer from one of our local hardware stores, which had one of the walk in tubs.
Not in my lifetime
Noddy24 wrote:Montana--
Go for it.
Point us the way, Montana!
Don't get me started again, Miller
What would the point be, Montana?
Well, as someone who has designed bathrooms (for rec centers for a variety of levels of housing) and outdoor showers and saunas and cabanas, pool houses, yadda yadda....
(all of that is a while ago, I blanch at the newest stuff in the LA Times...)
oh, and japanese garden bath facilities, I'll say
Foooooo or maybe Phoooh!
There was one property I really liked, but the japanese bath was already designed by the astute client, and it was in the house.
The owner had designed the house, and it is a strong house. Too bad I won't show photos, but that's all private to the owner.
The ofuru, japanese bath, sat at a corner of the house/adjacent to the corner windows, which were all window, meeting perpendicularly... sort of like FLWright, but a cleaner meet..... looking out at a vast meadow, with grove and river beyond.
That worked.
We used to have a rule - that is, a spa is used in exact proportion to the number of feet to the house.
When we built the house, Mr. Noddy put the bathtub along the inside of the west wall and I had hopes of a long, low window offering a view of the woods.
This was not-to-be. Alas.
I did get my way about bay windows--three of them.
I like bay windows with a view. A lot of city houses and row homes have bay windows--facing the bay windows across the street.