Sun 5 Aug, 2007 11:53 am
Freeeee? You better love me."--Godsmack
I think the whole world needs to go into anarchy to where we can all be free to move anywhere without any laws to restrict us. Who agrees? Who disagrees? We wont need any constitution or any human rights when we can asure our own individual selves to live life free and well. Laws were designed to keep us less free, you know?
I think everyone able should be given firearms and ammo so we can all shoot out with the bad (the religious and law makers since they've corrupted the world with laws that dont factor in the human factor) so we can have a better world. Christians, with their 'lazy stay a slave and do nothing but pray' selves, would be the first to die off because they prolly wouldnt even pick up a weapon under anarchy to save there own life. There is more atheists than muslims if we count all from birth at any given time. Hell, you already know everyone is born an atheist. Under anarchy we could keep them that way for a better future.
Under world anarchy no one would need nukes anymore cause everyone, just about, would be armed to take care of themselves to live free and stay free. Everyone would be respected and never disrespected, or else, since carrying out justice would be in each citizen's hands. Wouldnt life be grand if justice was in our own hands instead of some authority?
But how do you think the "world" would be under anarchy?
What all would happen under anarchy doesnt sound too bad compared to the current rate of laws being passed and added by the governments. Pretty soon we all will end up in jail (even in jail as labor slaves) or in debt from fines in this already jail outside of jail. We will all be confined even more in this jail outside of jail. That's the same as living in jail! I say it's time for anarchy to do some cleansing first (which may involve some killing that counts for the better) and then we can maybe go back to a law making government--a government that's for the ppl and by the ppl for the better of us all. Then again, I'd rather it stay anarchy until the end of time.
Oh yeah, all the poor would want is to survive like anybody else that has the money to do so. Shouldnt we give them that and respect it at the same time...even though some ppl gotta die in the processes for the world to be made fairer. Look at the animal kingdom... Animals use their phyisical attributes to survive. I say it's time to use all attributes (technical, physical, mental, etc) to survive as human beings. Human beings should come first before any law. Why should the law stop someone poor from getting their grub on even though they had to steal it?
OHO! One human order coming to the world one day because all these laws are causing pressure to build up. Something has got to be done away with. Something has got to give!
In other words, we are better off under world anarchy than in jail by these 'non human caring' corrupt governments. Governements only care about their money and power rather than its ppl. Cant you all see we are under attack by our governments in like a systematic warfare? We'll be stripped of our rights so might as well wake up and get with anarchy sooner than later. Join the OHO and survive free. Like we suppose to sit here, go broke while starving, or else go to directly to jail. It's time for anarchy to rule!!!! Who is with me?
Re: One Human Order (OHO)
Busma wrote: Who is with me?
(Just eat your Soilant Green and be quiet before
they (
) hear you.
Anarchy is a very unstable form of government....
Sounds like a great plan. No fair burying all your money before the effective date.
If you listen to Godsmack and dream of anarchy, nobody will take you seriously.
Can I have your stuff when your gone?