Fri 1 Aug, 2003 01:47 pm
Larry Flynt
The Hustler magazine publisher has filed initial paperwork to run in the gubernatorial recall election and says he may spend a large amount of his own money if people take his candidacy seriously.
The registered Democrat, civil libertarian and free speech advocate said he'd solve California's budget woes by expanding slot machine gambling. His holdings include several casinos.
"California is the most progressive state in the union," said Flynt, 61. "I don't think anyone here will have a problem with a smut peddler as governor."
That's probably true! c.i.
He's got my vote!
For the first time in history, politicians might be honest about how obscenely the government is run.
I hear Monica has already applied for an internship in the governor's office.
Serve Butrflynet a well deserved saucer of milk.