Bush handcuffs U.S. attorneys; terrible precedent

Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2007 09:47 am

A terrible precedent
July 21, 2007

So, President Bush won't allow U.S. attorneys to represent Congress in contempt proceedings that challenge his claim of executive privilege because they work for him and he has already settled the matter.

This position, not formally conveyed to Congress but leaked to The Washington Post, is doubtless part of the bluff-and-bluster campaign aimed at dragging out the lawmakers' probe - ironically, of undue political influence on the Justice Department - until Mr. Bush is safely out of office.

But it significantly raises the stakes in this constitutional standoff to the point where a negotiated settlement may no longer be possible. Congress must protect its prerogatives as an equal branch of government.

Mr. Bush seems to have precluded the most obvious option of appointing a special prosecutor; that would have to be done by the Justice Department. Lawmakers may have to pursue other high-profile legal tactics to put these vital constitutional questions before the courts.

Certainly, the sweeping assertion that a president may simply ignore a law that requires the Justice Department to represent Congress in criminal contempt proceedings cannot be allowed to stand as a precedent. The danger of that, even if the current dispute is defused, is evident because Bush administration officials are basing their position on a 1984 Justice Department opinion never tested in court.

On a practical level, this seems a foolish fight for the president to be waging.

The Democrats running Congress are investigating whether the Bush administration fired nine of its own appointees to U.S. attorney posts for their failure to apply Bush political goals to prosecutorial decisions. There's no dispute that a president has broad authority to fire his appointees, and if the administration had been forthcoming early about its motives, the Democrats might have looked silly for pursuing the matter.

Instead, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales stumbled right out of the starting gate with blanket denials of political influence that were later contradicted by his former aides. Attempts to clarify the picture with accounts from White House officials have been blocked by Mr. Bush's claim that privacy of internal White House discussions is protected by executive privilege.

This stonewalling is symptomatic of an administration that has much to hide. After six years in which the Republican-run Congress mostly ignored its oversight role, Democrats are now poking into dark corners and exposing shameful secrets.

Just this week, lawmakers revealed that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has refused since early last year to investigate staff concerns about harmful chemicals in the trailers occupied by refugees from Hurricane Katrina because it didn't want to risk liability for their health problems.

Indeed, what may sometimes look like partisan bickering is actually the healthy result of the constitutional separation of powers as well as a government divided between the political parties.

Mr. Bush is seeking to avoid all that by executive fiat, declaring, in effect, that presidents are above the law. Richard Nixon tried that, too, in the only one of scores of such executive privilege disputes that reached the Supreme Court. It failed because his claim was too broad; he was resisting the subpoena of a grand jury conducting a criminal investigation under the direction of a special prosecutor. There may be grounds for criminal charges in this case, too, if it can be established that Bush aides were involved in obstructing justice.

Whatever was going on at the Justice Department may not rise to the level of Mr. Nixon's abuse of power. But the Bush administration's drive to undermine the constitutional protections of checks and balances are so alarming because they would allow such abuses to be conducted with impunity.

Too much power is dangerous to a democracy, and this administration has pushed the envelope on about every front imaginable - from secret spying on its own citizens to launching a war on false pretexts.

Congress cannot allow Mr. Bush's regal pretensions to become the model for a future chief executive.
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Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2007 09:55 am
Congress's Power To Compel
Congress's Power To Compel
By Frank Askin
Saturday, July 21, 2007; A13

It seems that the House Judiciary Committee is considering seeking help from the Justice Department to enforce contempt citations against Bush administration officials such as Joshua Bolten who refuse to respond to congressional inquiries into alleged White House wrongdoing. That would be a mistake.

Such a strategy leaves Congress beholden to hostile executive branch officials to enforce its prerogatives on exactly the type of charges that the administration said this week it would not allow officials to pursue. This strategy also would allow the president to pardon his underlings should they ever be indicted and convicted.

Yet under historic and undisturbed law, Congress can enforce its own orders against recalcitrant witnesses without involving the executive branch and without leaving open the possibility of presidential pardon.

And a Supreme Court majority would find it hard to object in the face of two entrenched legal principles.

First is the inherent power of Congress to require testimony on matters within its legislative oversight jurisdiction.

So long as Congress is investigating issues over which it has the power to legislate, it can compel witnesses to appear and respond to questions. That power has been affirmed over and over in prosecutions for contempt.

In modern times, this congressional power has been enforced by referring contempt cases to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia for indictment and prosecution. That, of course, is the rub. It allows the president to exercise his plenary power under the Constitution to issue pardons "for offenses against the United States."

But no law says that indictment and prosecution by the Justice Department is the exclusive means to enforce congressional prerogative.

Indeed, in an 1895 case ( United States v. Chapman), the defendant unsuccessfully argued that Congress could not have such cases of contempt prosecuted through the courts but must punish such defiance on its own, without judicial assistance. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia held that judicial enforcement of Congress's inherent power was optional.

This power of Congress to punish contemptuous behavior itself was reinforced in 1934. In Jurney v. McCracken, the Supreme Court denied a writ of habeas corpus to a petitioner who had been taken into custody by the Senate sergeant- at-arms for allegedly destroying documents requested in a Senate subpoena.

The limitation on the president's pardon power was most comprehensively discussed in a 1925 opinion by Chief Justice (and former president) William Howard Taft in the case of Ex Parte Grossman.

Grossman had been accused during Prohibition of the illegal sale of liquor and was enjoined by a federal court from further sale of alcoholic beverages. When he violated the order, he was accused of contempt and sentenced to prison -- and then pardoned by the president.

Despite the pardon, a federal judge in Chicago ordered him to jail on the theory that a charge of criminal contempt was not an "offense against the United States" because it was a judicial act, and a presidential pardon would violate the separation of powers.

In an analysis of the pardon power that Taft traced back through English parliamentary history, the opinion concluded that the power did reach contempts -- but only criminal contempts, the purpose of which is to vindicate offenses against the dignity of public authority.

The opinion distinguished civil contempt, whose purpose is to enforce a third party's rights by coercing compliance with a court order.

The distinction between criminal and civil contempt is well recognized. The punishment for criminal contempt is a set fine or jail term. A civil contempt punishment is framed in terms of either/or: either the defendant does X or suffers daily consequences until X is done. That concept is often explained by the aphorism that the defendant has the keys to the jail in his own pocket. He can free himself by obeying the court order. (The jailing of New York Times reporter Judith Miller for refusing to answer questions during the Scooter Libby investigation is a recent example.)

Thus, the congressional alternative. Instead of referring a contempt citation to the U.S. attorney, a house of Congress can order the sergeant-at-arms to take recalcitrant witnesses into custody and have them held until they agree to cooperate -- i.e., an order of civil contempt. Technically, the witness could be imprisoned somewhere in the bowels of the Capitol, but historically the sergeant-at-arms has turned defendants over to the custody of the warden of the D.C. jail.

That was what was done in the landmark 1876 case Kilbourn v. Thompson, when the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had overstepped its bounds by investigating the private activities of the defendant in a matter in which it had no jurisdiction.

That decision, however, left no doubt of Congress's power to punish for contempt those who defy lawful investigations.

So, far from being defenseless against the president's refusal to prosecute or the threat of presidential pardon, Congress could take into its own custody defiant administration officials who refuse to cooperate with legitimate inquiries into executive malfeasance. Those targets would have the right to seek writs of habeas corpus from the federal courts, but as long as Congress could show a legitimate need for the information it was seeking pursuant to its legislative oversight functions, it would be standing on solid legal ground.

The writer, a professor at Rutgers School of Law, is director of the Rutgers Constitutional Litigation Clinic.
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Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2007 10:34 am
God, one hopes they grow some cojones and do exactly this. Yank these issues directly into the public view. Modern media, as shallow and subservient as it is, is perfectly geared to froth at the mouth over such drama as would arise. And it is hardly as if the US could get much more divided that it is now.
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