Who Is Funding Barack Obama?

Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 09:54 am
Who Is Funding Barack Obama?
New Media Journal ^ | July 28, 2008 | Paul Hollrah

Who Is Funding Barack Obama?
by Paul Hollrah

In a July 10 installment of "The World According to Barack," we discussed Obama's phenomenal fundraising juggernaut. Obama boasts of having built a contributor base of 1.5 million people, each contributing $5, $10, $20...or, as Obama assures us, "whatever they could afford." Please do the math with me.

The Obama campaign has disclosed that one-fourth, or $66.25 million of the $265 million reported as of May 31, 2008 (he has raised an additional $70 million during the month of June), came from those contributing $2,000, or more...which means that the remainder, or $198.75 million, was contributed by some 1.47 million people who made "modest" sized contributions.

But the numbers don't add up. Obama attended grammar school in Indonesia where they may have taught an archaic brand of mathematics, but $198.75 million dollars cannot be contributed by 1.47 million people in "$5, $10, or $20" amounts. Each of those 1.47 million people would have had to contribute, on average, $135 to create a pool of $198.75 million...and that simply does not happen. It has never happened before and it is not happening now.

In a moment of undisguised chutzpa, Obama declared that he is raising his General Election funds outside the public funding system because that system is "broken," and because his private fundraising...from ½ of 1% of the American people...represents (he said with a straight face) "true public financing." We suggested, however, that Republicans should be hiring some of the world's top investigators to find out who is providing more than a quarter of a billions dollars, behind the scenes, to literally "buy" the U.S. presidency for Obama.

Now, a July 22, 2008 article in The Nation magazine, titled, "Attack of the Global Pirate Bankers," offers a possible answer. According to the article by James S. Henry, the financial institution headed by Robert Wolf, who, along with George Soros serves as one of Obama's top two money men, has been "outed" in six months of hearings conducted by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, chaired by Senator Carl Levin (D-MI).

Wolf serves as the CEO of UBS Americas, a subsidiary of UBS, Switzerland's largest bank and the world's largest private wealth manager, with $1.9 trillion in client assets. The Nation tells us, "Last week in Washington we got a rare look inside the global private banking industry, whose high purpose it is to gather up the assets of the world's wealthiest people and many of its worst villains, and shelter them from tax collectors, prosecutors, creditors, disgruntled business associates, family members, and each other."

So what does this have to do, potentially, with Obama's highly successful fundraising efforts?

According to a Statement of Facts in the recent criminal trial of former UBS executive Bradley Birkenfeld, UBS took significant steps to help American clients manage their Swiss accounts without alerting U.S. government authorities, which would have triggered Quarterly Income (QI) reporting. For example, the Statement of Facts describes how UBS advised American clients to withdraw funds from their accounts using Swiss credit cards that "could not be discovered by U.S. authorities," to "destroy all off-shore banking records existing in the U.S.," and to "misrepresent the receipt of funds from their Swiss accounts...as loans from the Swiss bank."

The Nation reports that, "To achieve these results, UBS established an elaborate formal training program, which coached bankers on how to avoid surveillance by U.S. Customs and law enforcement, falsify visas, encrypt communications, secretly move money in and out of the country, and market security products even without broker/dealer licenses.

"Rich people the world over, including tens of thousands of wealthy Americans, are now free to opt into this sophisticated, secretive, utterly unprincipled global private banking industry. They can become, in effect, residents of nowhere for tax purposes, citizens of a brave new virtual country, which offers… unprecedented freedom from the taxes, regulations and moral restraints that the rest of us take for granted. They wield enormous political influence… merely by making contributions, threatening to withhold them - or better yet, threatening to abscond with their capital unless certain conditions are met..." (emphasis added)

It is the perfect instrument for funneling illegal campaign contributions into the coffers of an ambitious and unscrupulous American politician.

Let's say, just for the sake of argument, that a billionaire international financier, wishing to influence the outcome of the American presidential elections, could transfer unlimited sums of money through this device. A U.S. recipient, such as the Obama campaign, could receive hundreds of thousands of individual contributions via Swiss credit card transfers, with fictitious payees being entered by teams of paid staffers working in a "boiler room" setting. The owners of the Swiss accounts would receive periodic statements indicating: a) debits of varying amounts, up to $2,300 each, and b) offsetting credits provided by the wealthy, but unnamed, "benefactor."

For most of the super wealthy, especially those attempting to hide income and assets from U.S. authorities, an unexplained debit and credit of $2,300, or less, would not even raise an eyebrow. In super rich circles, $2,300 is "chump change."

So who would ever know the source of such contributions? No one. Would such a plan be bold, audacious, perhaps insane? Absolutely! But then, the Obama campaign for President of the United States is itself...bold, audacious, and insane.

In 2004, former senator John Edwards (D-NC) raised some $31 million for his presidential campaign, an unprecedented amount for a first-term member of Congress. Most of Edwards' funds were raised illegally. Now, just four years later, another first-term Democrat, one with far less experience and far less substance than Edwards, has raised in excess of $335 million. The American people must know who is funding Barack Obama before they enter the voting booths in November.


3 words, SOROS, SOROS, SOROS. Follow the money. Soros said in 1998 that he would work to bring down America. He is getting really good at it. We need to expose Obama for the puppet that he is. He needs to name the names of his financiers. Complete disclosure. Otherwise we are doomed to suffer under a bought and paid for Marxist. Soros will be sooo happy.
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Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 10:17 am
I'll raise me hand.

I've donated several different times to the Obama campaign so far, each at $5.00 because that's all I've been able to afford monetarily. However, I've donated substantially more than that in time and effort as a volunteer over the past 18 months.

If I have connections with a Swiss Bank, somebody sure forgot to tell me about it. Where do I file a complaint?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 10:19 am
I have donated more to Obama then the average donation would have to be.

What an idiotic article. More Soros fear-mongering.


0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 10:26 am
Re: Who Is Funding Barack Obama?
cjhsa wrote:
Who Is Funding Barack Obama?
Laughing Who isn't?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 10:26 am
Re: Who Is Funding Barack Obama?
New Media Journal quoted by cjhsa wrote:


3 words, SOROS, SOROS, SOROS. Follow the money. Soros said in 1998 that he would work to bring down America. He is getting really good at it. We need to expose Obama for the puppet that he is. He needs to name the names of his financiers. Complete disclosure. Otherwise we are doomed to suffer under a bought and paid for Marxist. Soros will be sooo happy.

I could find the above part online - do you a different link than this ?

Or did you copy from blog responses at Free Republic?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 10:27 am
Cjhsa, aren't you a little ashamed of allowing someone to put something in-you-endo?
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 10:30 am
Re: Who Is Funding Barack Obama?
cjhsa wrote:
Who Is Funding Barack Obama?
Laughing Who isn't?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 10:30 am
The usual Liberal Sheep.

J J Abrams filmmaker, TV producer
Ben Affleck actor
Chris Albrecht HBO chairman and chief executive 2002-07
Byron Allen entertainer
Ted Allen food critic
Herbert Allison TIAA-CREF chairman, ceo
Big Kenny Alphin recording artist
Marc Andreessen Internet pioneer
Jennifer Aniston actress
Patricia Arquette actress
Rosanna Arquette actress
Clarence Avant record producer
Kevin Bacon actor
Tyra Banks model, talk show host
Ellen Barkin actress
Angela Bassett actress
Shane Battier pro basketball player
Maria Bello actress
Lawrence Bender producer; political activist
Tom Bergeron game show host
Halle Berry actress
Valerie Bertinelli actress
Jerome Bettis pro football player 1993-2006; sportscaster
Arthur Blank Atlanta Falcons owner 2002-present; Home Depot co-founder
Judy Blume author
Steven Bochco producer, writer
Andy Borowitz satirist, writer
Zach Braff actor
Steve Brill writer, publisher; Court TV founder
Christie Brinkley model, spokeswoman
James L Brooks producer, director
Blair Brown actress
Jackson Browne musician
Mark Burnett game show producer
Ken Burns filmmaker
LeVar Burton actor, director
Peter Buttenwieser political fundraiser
Kate Capshaw actress
Michael Chabon author
Jay Chandrasekhar director, actor, writer
Peter Chernin News Corporation president and COO
Richard A Clarke former national security expert
John Cleese actor, author
George Clooney actor
Chuck Close artist


And I will wager very few of them even know why they send him money.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 10:31 am
Somebody sure did a bad job of photoshopping that photo. Look at the guy next to the one circled. Only half the body is there.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 10:33 am
Butrflynet wrote:
Somebody sure did a bad job of photoshopping that photo. Look at the guy next to the one circled. Only half the body is there.

It's half of Soros' body, reflected; the apparent 'panes of glass' might have something to do with it.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 10:37 am
Not him, the one behind him, the one standing up, it's almost hidden by the red ink.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 11:01 am
Hmm.... so now I can connect Richard Clarke to Kevin Bacon in just two steps.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 11:06 am
Money doesn't grow on trees, unless you own an oil tree.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 11:08 am
woiyo wrote:
The usual Liberal Sheep.

J J Abrams filmmaker, TV producer
Ben Affleck actor
Chris Albrecht HBO chairman and chief executive 2002-07
Byron Allen entertainer
Ted Allen food critic
Herbert Allison TIAA-CREF chairman, ceo
Big Kenny Alphin recording artist
Marc Andreessen Internet pioneer
Jennifer Aniston actress
Patricia Arquette actress
Rosanna Arquette actress
Clarence Avant record producer
Kevin Bacon actor
Tyra Banks model, talk show host
Ellen Barkin actress
Angela Bassett actress
Shane Battier pro basketball player
Maria Bello actress
Lawrence Bender producer; political activist
Tom Bergeron game show host
Halle Berry actress
Valerie Bertinelli actress
Jerome Bettis pro football player 1993-2006; sportscaster
Arthur Blank Atlanta Falcons owner 2002-present; Home Depot co-founder
Judy Blume author
Steven Bochco producer, writer
Andy Borowitz satirist, writer
Zach Braff actor
Steve Brill writer, publisher; Court TV founder
Christie Brinkley model, spokeswoman
James L Brooks producer, director
Blair Brown actress
Jackson Browne musician
Mark Burnett game show producer
Ken Burns filmmaker
LeVar Burton actor, director
Peter Buttenwieser political fundraiser
Kate Capshaw actress
Michael Chabon author
Jay Chandrasekhar director, actor, writer
Peter Chernin News Corporation president and COO
Richard A Clarke former national security expert
John Cleese actor, author
George Clooney actor
Chuck Close artist


And I will wager very few of them even know why they send him money.

Yes, because I'm sure that people who do things like start Home Depot, chair HBO, and start Netscape Communications have no idea why they spend their money the way they do.

Do you have to work to be that dumb, or does it just come naturally?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 11:39 am
DrewDad wrote:
woiyo wrote:
The usual Liberal Sheep.

J J Abrams filmmaker, TV producer
Ben Affleck actor
Chris Albrecht HBO chairman and chief executive 2002-07
Byron Allen entertainer
Ted Allen food critic
Herbert Allison TIAA-CREF chairman, ceo
Big Kenny Alphin recording artist
Marc Andreessen Internet pioneer
Jennifer Aniston actress
Patricia Arquette actress
Rosanna Arquette actress
Clarence Avant record producer
Kevin Bacon actor
Tyra Banks model, talk show host
Ellen Barkin actress
Angela Bassett actress
Shane Battier pro basketball player
Maria Bello actress
Lawrence Bender producer; political activist
Tom Bergeron game show host
Halle Berry actress
Valerie Bertinelli actress
Jerome Bettis pro football player 1993-2006; sportscaster
Arthur Blank Atlanta Falcons owner 2002-present; Home Depot co-founder
Judy Blume author
Steven Bochco producer, writer
Andy Borowitz satirist, writer
Zach Braff actor
Steve Brill writer, publisher; Court TV founder
Christie Brinkley model, spokeswoman
James L Brooks producer, director
Blair Brown actress
Jackson Browne musician
Mark Burnett game show producer
Ken Burns filmmaker
LeVar Burton actor, director
Peter Buttenwieser political fundraiser
Kate Capshaw actress
Michael Chabon author
Jay Chandrasekhar director, actor, writer
Peter Chernin News Corporation president and COO
Richard A Clarke former national security expert
John Cleese actor, author
George Clooney actor
Chuck Close artist


And I will wager very few of them even know why they send him money.

Yes, because I'm sure that people who do things like start Home Depot, chair HBO, and start Netscape Communications have no idea why they spend their money the way they do.

Do you have to work to be that dumb, or does it just come naturally?

Just making a point you fu#king idiot that each side has their sheep who throw money at these politicians. Just like there are sure to be successful business owners who throw money at McCain. Just seems to me that many on that list for Obama are "hollywood" types and I am a list from McCain will indicate a different set of people.

So go take your stupid fuc#ing comments and with your head, stick it up the a$$ of the sheep in front of you. Evil or Very Mad
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 11:42 am
Don't forget woiyo, the liberals hate you and me. They hate everyone who works for a living. They hate those that provide them with jobs. They hate America - Obama's wife said so herself. Funny thing, we right of center types don't hate the loony left, we just think they're misguided. But give them the gavel, and they'll beat you with it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 11:44 am

You didn't make the point you seem to think you did. You don't have any evidence that 'hollywood types' know any more or less about what is going on then anyone else. Why does it matter that they are involved in the entertainment industry?

You can't use a tiny list (not representative of who really donates to Obama, just a thousandth of one percent of his donors) and then suppose that they don't know what they are talking about, and act as if your 'supposition' proves a point; it doesn't.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 11:54 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

You didn't make the point you seem to think you did. You don't have any evidence that 'hollywood types' know any more or less about what is going on then anyone else. Why does it matter that they are involved in the entertainment industry?

You can't use a tiny list (not representative of who really donates to Obama, just a thousandth of one percent of his donors) and then suppose that they don't know what they are talking about, and act as if your 'supposition' proves a point; it doesn't.


Go to the link and figure it out. It is not that difficult.

Any other stupid comments / questions, please do not hesitate to post. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 11:55 am
Well, actually he can use that little list, and did. It was just typical right wing stuff. Don't let that upset ya'll. Consider the source and go about your day.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jul, 2008 12:08 pm
squinney wrote:
Well, actually he can use that little list, and did. It was just typical right wing stuff. Don't let that upset ya'll. Consider the source and go about your day.

Here is the WHOLE FUC#ING LIST. Happy Now?

J J Abrams filmmaker, TV producer
Ben Affleck actor
Chris Albrecht HBO chairman and chief executive 2002-07
Byron Allen entertainer
Ted Allen food critic
Herbert Allison TIAA-CREF chairman, ceo
Big Kenny Alphin recording artist
Marc Andreessen Internet pioneer
Jennifer Aniston actress
Patricia Arquette actress
Rosanna Arquette actress
Clarence Avant record producer
Kevin Bacon actor
Tyra Banks model, talk show host
Ellen Barkin actress
Angela Bassett actress
Shane Battier pro basketball player
Maria Bello actress
Lawrence Bender producer; political activist
Tom Bergeron game show host
Halle Berry actress
Valerie Bertinelli actress
Jerome Bettis pro football player 1993-2006; sportscaster
Arthur Blank Atlanta Falcons owner 2002-present; Home Depot co-founder
Judy Blume author
Steven Bochco producer, writer
Andy Borowitz satirist, writer
Zach Braff actor
Steve Brill writer, publisher; Court TV founder
Christie Brinkley model, spokeswoman
James L Brooks producer, director
Blair Brown actress
Jackson Browne musician
Warren Buffett Berkshire-Hathaway, billionaire
Mark Burnett game show producer
Ken Burns filmmaker
LeVar Burton actor, director
Peter Buttenwieser political fundraiser
Kate Capshaw actress
Michael Chabon author
Jay Chandrasekhar director, actor, writer
Peter Chernin News Corporation president and COO
Richard A Clarke former national security expert
John Cleese actor, author
George Clooney actor
Chuck Close artist
Glenn Close actress
Harry Connick, Jr recording artist, actor
Cindy Crawford model
Alan Cumming actor
Drew Curtis fark.com founder, author
Jamie Lee Curtis actress
Matt Damon actor
Larry David comedian, writer
Laurie David writer, activist
Geena Davis actress
Danny Devito actor
Taye Diggs actor
Barry Diller media mogul
Paul Dooley actor
Michael Douglas actor, director
Karen Duffy model, actress
Joe Dumars Hall of Fame basketball player
Kenneth 'Babyface' Edmonds recording artist, producer
Tracey Edmonds entertainment executive
Anthony Edwards actor
Michael Eisner Disney ceo 1984-2005
Omar Epps actor
Clark Kent Ervin former Inspector Gen., Dept. of Homeland Security
Kenneth Feinberg Special Master, Sept 11th Victims Compensation Fund; attorney
Jane Fonda actress
Tom Ford fashion designer
Jodie Foster actress
Michael J Fox actor, activist
Jamie Foxx actor, comedian, musician
Jonathan Franzen author
Morgan Freeman actor
Jeff Garlin actor, comedian
Jennifer Garner actress
David Geffen Dreamworks co-founder, record producer
Richard Gere actor
Jami Gertz actress
Charles Gifford Bank of America chairman
Cuba Gooding, Jr actor
Berry Gordy record producer, entrepreneur
Lou Gossett, Jr actor
Topher Grace actor
Brian Grazer producer
Andrew Greeley author, Catholic priest
John Grisham author
Davis Guggenheim filmmaker
Jasmine Guy actress
Herbie Hancock musician
Daniel 'Lemony Snicket' Handler author, screenwriter, and accordionist
Tom Hanks actor
Ted Harbert TV entertainment executive
Hill Harper actor
Emmylou Harris singer/songwriter
Mariette Hartley actress
Teri Hatcher actress
Tom Hayden activist, author
Sean Hayes actor
Dennis Haysbert actor
Christie Hefner Playboy Enterprises chairman, ceo
Hugh Hefner Playboy founder
Marg Helgenberger actress
Grant Hill pro basketball player
Cheryl Hines actress
Dustin Hoffman actor
Susanna Hoffs recording artist
Alan Horn movie executive
Bruce Hornsby recording artist
Ron Howard director, producer, actor
Mansoor Ijaz pundit
Phil Jackson NBA coach, player
Randy Jackson musician, record producer, entertainer
Samuel Jackson actor
Joan Jett rock star
Scarlett Johansson actress
Kevin Johnson NBA star 1987-2000; philanthropist
Magic Johnson pro basketball great 1979-2002; entrepreneur
Spike Jonze director, actor
Michael Jordan basketball star
Vernon Jordan Washington power broker
Casey Kasem radio host
Jeffrey Katzenberg Dreamworks co-founder, producer
Garrison Keillor author, performer
David E Kelley television producer, screenwriter
Caroline Kennedy author, attorney
Ted Kennedy Senator 1962-present
Teresa Heinz Kerry philanthropist
Margot Kidder actress
Don King fight promotor
Gayle King editor, media personality
Calvin Klein fashion designer
David Koepp screenwriter
Cedric 'the Entertainer' Kyles actor, comedian
Don LaFontaine "In a world..." movie trailer voice actor
Christine Lahti actress
Sherry Lansing Paramount Studios chairman, ceo (1992-2004)
John Larroquette actor
Sharon Lawrence actress
Norman Lear television producer
Spike Lee filmmaker
John Legend recording artist
John Lithgow actor
Nia Long actress
Chuck Lorre TV producer, writer, director
Julia Louis-Dreyfus actress
Sidney Lumet director
Seth MacFarlane animator, screenwriter, producer, director and voice actor
Tobey Maguire actor
Norman Mailer author
Natalie Maines recording artist
Wendie Malick actress
Barry Manilow singer/songwriter
Stephon Marbury pro basketball player
Branford Marsalis musician
Marsha Mason actress
Mary Stuart Masterson actress
Greg Mathis TV judge; Michigan superior court judge
David McCullough author, historian
George McGovern Congressman, Senator, and Democratic presidential nominee
Terry McMillan author
Seth Meyers comedian
Bette Midler singer, actress
John Morgridge Cisco chairman
Errol Morris filmmaker
Rob Morrow actor
Alonzo Mourning NBA star
Eddie Murphy actor, comedian
Paul Newman actor, philanthropist
Craig Newmark craigslist.org founder
Mike Nichols filmmaker
Leonard Nimoy actor
Edward Norton actor
Rosie O'Donnell actress, comedian
Stan O'Neal Merrill Lynch chairman, CEO 2003-07
Frank Oz director, writer, actor
Adrian Pasdar actor
Joe Paterno Penn State football coach
Jane Pauley journalist; talk show host
Holly Robinson Peete actress
Kal Penn actor
Robin Wright Penn actress
Rhea Perlman actress
Tyler Perry playwright, actor, director
Michael Pfleger Catholic priest; social activist
Oliver Platt actor
Sidney Poitier actor
Ellen Pompeo actress
Annie Potts actress
Maury Povich talk/game show host
Penny Pritzker hotel heiress, executive
Bonnie Raitt recording artist
Harold Ramis director, writer, actor
David Rasche actor
Phylicia Rashad actress
Brett Ratner director
Lynn Redgrave actress
Carl Reiner actor, comedy writer, producer
Jerry Reinsdorf Chicago White Sox and Chicago Bulls owner
Paul Reiser comedian, actor
Ryan Reynolds actor
Patricia Richardson actress
Lionel Richie recording artist
Jay Roach director
Tim Robbins actor
Chris Rock comedian, actor
Linda Ronstadt singer
Stephen Root actor
Hilary Rosen lobbyist; RIAA CEO 1998-2003
Eli Roth director
Brandon Routh actor
Robert Rubin US Treasury Secretary 1995-99
Mark Ruffalo actor
Edward Rust State Farm chairman, ceo
Meg Ryan actress
Horatio Sanz comedian, actor
Susan Sarandon actress
Thomas Schlamme producer, director
Howard Schultz Starbucks chairman, ceo
Sherwood Schwartz television producer
Terry Semel Yahoo! chairman, ceo 2001-07
Garry Shandling comedian, actor
Brooke Shields actress
Maria Shriver NBC
Andrew Shue actor; former pro soccer player; activist
M Night Shyamalan filmmaker
Ben Silverman NBC Universal chairman
Alicia Silverstone actress
Russell Simmons music/media mogul; activist
Sam Simon television director; philanthropist
James Sinegal Costco ceo
Tom Skerritt actor
Emmitt Smith pro football player 1990-2004
Jada Pinkett Smith actress
Will Smith actor, recording artist
George Soros financier
Hal Sparks actor, comedian
Steven Spielberg filmmaker
Morgan Spurlock filmmaker
Leigh Steinberg sports agent
Daniel Stern actor
Stuart Sternberg Tampa Bay Rays owner
Fisher Stevens actor
Ben Stiller actor
Oliver Stone director
Harry Stonecipher Boeing ceo 2003-05
Meryl Streep actress
Barbra Streisand singer, actor, producer
Christine Taylor actress
Richard Thalheimer The Sharper Image chairman, ceo
Betty Thomas director, actress
Heather Thomas actress, producer
John Thompson III basketball coach
Cheryl Tiegs model
Boyd Tinsley musician
Steve Tisch NY Giants co-owner; movie producer
Lily Tomlin actress, comedian
Garry Trudeau cartoonist
Gabrielle Union actress
Amber Valletta model, actress
Paul Volcker Federal Reserve Chairman 1979-87
Kate Walsh actress
Cash Warren producer
Isaiah Washington actor
Steven Weber actor
Bob Weir recording artist; Grateful Dead founding member
John Wells television producer
Jann Wenner Rolling Stone
Tom Werner Boston Red Sox co-owner 2002-present; TV producer
Forest Whitaker actor, director
Paula White megachurch preacher, "life coach"
Bradley Whitford actor
James Whitmore actor
Olivia Wilde actress
Gene Wilder actor
will.i.am recording artist
Treat Williams actor
Rita Wilson actress
Oprah Winfrey talk show host, actress
Joanne Woodward actress
Steve Wozniak personal computing pioneer
Jeffrey Wright actor
Robert Wright NBC Universal - Chairman, CEO 1986-2007
Peter Yarrow musician, activist
Andrew Young civil rights activist, politician, lobbyist
Edward Zander Motorola chairman, ceo
Sam Zell Tribune Co. chairman, CEO; real estate magnate
George Zimmer Men's Wearhouse founder, CEO

political donations of today's newsmakers
T Boone Pickens Robert E Murray Kelsey Grammer Kevin Costner Scarlett Johansson Meryl Streep Maggie Gyllenhaal Monica Goodling

individual donations of $200 or more made after 1977
Political donations made by the powerful, rich, and famous.

• Celebrities (actors, musicians, authors, icons)
• Billionaires
• Sports Stars
• Media
• Business Executives
• Politics (pols, players, pundits, shills)
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