Graduated in electrical engineering in 1981. Did some post graduate, but didn't finish my Masters. Operated a shop type business for 35 years. Retired in 2013. Spending my time now doing stuff that interests me. Fixing up my old house, gardening, hydroponics, container veggies, archery, swordsmanship, swap meet vending, hanging out with my old buddies, hiking, fishing, internet surfing and shopping. Pet dogs all passed away, not getting any more. Oh boy, and I need to clean up my house, junks piled all over. Tried retraining myself in karate, hopeless, overweight and too slow. Hey, got into knife throwing, lots of fun and good workout. Who wants an apple impaled on their head, oh...did I say that right?
Wed 16 Mar, 2022 11:46 pm - So, the name calling begins huh? Concessions don't mean forfeiting everything. There might have been a chance that Zelensky could have negotiated something to avert the war. Now that war has... (view)
Mon 14 Mar, 2022 09:27 pm - So, Gabbard is the traitorous American who sided with Putin? Believe what you want. The war has already started. The Russians are good at taking video clips of discussions and posting them in their... (view)
Mon 14 Mar, 2022 12:57 am - It is kind of hilarious that Russian agents in the US are so persuasive in trying to gain any kind of eminence to mediocre things with Russian history in the US. There is now an FBI investigation... (view)
Mon 14 Mar, 2022 12:14 am - Seems there are people who think negatively about Gabbard. I've been watching her campaign from the start and she is the cleanest candidate who ran for president. Her campaign funding was very... (view)
Sun 13 Mar, 2022 01:56 am - I don't see any crime in that. I donated to Gabbard, $50, and she doesn't know who I am. I see her as against war in general. She is in the US military and served abroad in Afghanistan. (view)
Fri 11 Mar, 2022 11:12 am - I once ate some grass fed beef, came from a ranch I helped out at. Yeah, I killed the animal. It wasn't that good, we who ate it kept burping after eating it. Made me wonder about the old days... (view)
Tue 8 Mar, 2022 11:50 pm - Buying discounted meat because of being a day past due date is what I do. Not all markets offer them though. If there aren't any I buy chuck and do my usual stir fry with it. Slice thin, flour... (view)
Mon 28 Feb, 2022 08:14 pm - I recently got a friend request on Facebook from somebody who seemed to share the same interest in gardening. OK, I allowed him as a friend. Now I am getting lots of FB posts that comes from his... (view)
Sat 26 Feb, 2022 01:14 pm - If the street light blinks at same time as your driveway lights, then you should call your power company to do a check. Seems to me there is a intermittent short between one of the three phases in... (view)
Wed 16 Feb, 2022 10:03 pm - I had that happen twice the past year. One time, the package came the next day, maybe the postman clicked it as delivered when it was not. The second time it went to somebody else's house, my... (view)