No, Kara, I didn't put up Rock Island Line, only because Driftless, being virtually new, is more easily come by; readily to hand in bookstores and libraries throughout the land.
As to disagreeing with me, sure and you're not prone to causing me much discomfort, at least no more than, say, a sprinkling of ginger caught in the back of me froat.
The fact is, both Rock Island Line and Driftless are wonderful novels. The first being something in the way of a coming of age tale; the second concerning folks who, to varying degrees, are already of an age -- as was the author himself, respective of his own lives and times.
Anyway, one has only to read the first few pages of either to know they've taken hold of something special; sentence structure, characterizations, and word pictures in both novels are real good. For why the 'ell else would I have recommended them?