Member since October 18, 2002


My Profile
  • Answered Questions: 0
  • Posts: 2,826
  • Location: the Old Kuvasz Ranch, Michigan
  • Occupation: your're kidding, right?
Same as ever, now in Michigan, still with 6 doggies that give me a run for my money. Recently married to my old high school sweetheart who fell into my lap after being separated for 35 years.

Liberal as they come, but own guns; Schactmanite socialist, but have my own businesses; raised as a roman catholic, but now a cross between a Taoist/Buddhist/Gnostic Christian who recognizes that it is not so much in what you believe, but that you believe in anything at all.

We are the Eyes of the World, the Transcendent Manifest in Time and Space revealing Itself to Itself.

aaaand still a Deadhead who misses Jerry every day as I dance
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peter jeffrey cobb
Always Eleven to him
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Politics, Pets And Garden, Movies, Philosophy, Music, Dogs, Spirituality And Religion, Tv, Humor, Dog, Marriage, History, Human Interest Stories, Obama, Religion, Liberalism, Medicine, Barack Obama, Peace, Blue State, Pete Seeger, Saint, Gay Marriage, Dance, Children, Anthropology, Corruption, Acting, Rightwing, Woodie Guthrie, Veteran, Abortion, Film, Death, Tiny Penis, Neonazi, Performances, Siamese Twins, Drugs, Literature, Psychology, Law, Assassination, Bruce Springsteen, Conservativism, National Health Prorgams, Really Dumb Promotional Ideas, Pets, Culture, Cartoons, Violence, Voices, Veterans, Recognition, American Dream, Language, Torture, Democracy, Baseball, Secrets Of New a2k, Snakes, Compassion, Self-Awareness, Environment, a2k, America, Economy, Marijuana, Satire, Douche Bag, Selling, Spouse, Science, Death Penalty, Technology, Innovation, Red State, Twitter, Joy
My Recent Posts
Fri 18 Nov, 2011 04:21 pm - You remain close minded towards experiences that run contrary to your philosophy. Warning about skullduggery in dealing with Chinese businesmen involved in... (view)
Fri 18 Nov, 2011 03:48 pm - [quote]The most comprehensive comparative study, done last year by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, found that “upward mobility from the bottom” —... (view)
Fri 18 Nov, 2011 03:32 pm - yeah, to prove he's an asshole. mission accomplished. (view)
Fri 18 Nov, 2011 03:05 pm - careful farmer, you talk smack about the chinese and bobby gentel will call you a racist. btw its the same in textiles as it is with steel or glass, stuff like that the chinese export is crap. (view)
Fri 18 Nov, 2011 02:57 pm - why are you arguing with an idiot? (view)
Thu 10 Nov, 2011 07:14 pm - [quote]And actually, Hate to break it to you kuvasz, but cyber-bullying is just as real and effective as real bullying. People have killed themselves over this. [/quote] yes and most likely... (view)
Thu 10 Nov, 2011 07:01 pm - then grow some balls. (view)
Wed 9 Nov, 2011 10:40 pm - Your bully is on-line? Christ almightly kid, virtual reality is virtual. Its not real. You want to fuck this person up? Go join the Anonymous group.... (view)
Tue 8 Nov, 2011 12:13 pm - RIP Mr. Frazier. One of my best memories as a kid was to be introduced to him by my ex-boxer dad while we were at Philadelphia's Blue Horizon fight club back in '70. Mr. Frazier... (view)
Mon 7 Nov, 2011 01:58 pm - You'd be better off killing yourself. Both your wife and girl friend would be too. You, and not me fucked up your life. I would chose pills, they don't make much of a mess, but do it in... (view)
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