maliagar wrote:Frankie keeps pulling my pants and misbehaving, eager as a spoiled kid to get acclaimed by the
populus as the Victor, the Patriarch, the Man!
No need to kick and scream, Frankie. Older boys don't do that.
Silence can have maaaany meanings, you see? I know:
Your exegetical impatience, excuse me, prowess, leads you to the convenient conclusion that my silence must mean one and only one thing (to be found, I suppose, on Leviticus 20:13????)
No problem: Just go to your group think / support pals. You'll get the recognition you crave. You'll feel good. You'll sleep with a smile on your face. You'll keep your good standing as the Oracle of Oracles.
Whatever brings a proud "agnostic" happiness and a sense of fulfillment
in this life.
Hey, Maliagar, good to see you talking to me again. I mean it.
I missed ya. Man.
I really missed ya.
Now, since we are pals again, perhaps you will respond to the items I directed to you that you have been ignoring.
I hope so.
Allow me to re-cap so you won't have to go to the trouble of looking it up:
You wrote:
Quote: If this value (a willingness to lay down one's life for others) is shared by all, then we should find examples of people living it in all cultures and all religions. In fact, there are plenty of examples (for those who pay attention to these things).
However, the most radical and heroic examples of fulfilling this universal value are to be found among commited Christians: Millions of known and anonymous examples of living and dead saints through the centuries.
I gave three examples.
You gave no comparable example that would disprove my assertion that the most radical cases are to be found among Christians.
To which I responded:
Quote:I think it is found among Islamics.
They are often willing to "lay down their lives for others" in ways that make the Christian efforts look weak.
Of course, they do have different ideas of what it means to lay down one's life for another -- but it is an easily defended idea.
I've also asked whether you consider hijacking an airplane and flying it into a building to be a rather radical way of laying down one's life for the lives of others -- which one can argue is what is happening in the effort?
How about blowing up a truck filled with explosive while you are at the wheel as a way of laying down one's life for the lives of others?
How about the Japanese Samurai who often laid down their lives for the lives of their lords? That is pretty radical too, wouldn't you say?
How about kamikaze pilots who use to dive their explosive laden planes onto enemy ships? Sounds rather radical to me.
So what say, buddy. Wanna discuss this for a bit?
There's other stuff - but we can start here.
By the by, ole man - you don't consider conversation with me to be a proximate occasion of mortal sin for you, do you?
That would be silly. We can talk. Your god will understand.