Wed 11 Jul, 2007 03:00 pm
I currently have a Culligan Mark 89 that recently broke, and the Culligan franchise in our area doesn't seem to eager to fix. I'm considering replacing it with a fleck. Which Fleck would be the equivalent to a Mark 89 as far as grains, performance, etc. No sense in buying more than I need.
Also, can I just call a plumber to have it installed or do you think they'd shy away from connecting something bought on-line?
ok...waiting for the show....
Ragman wrote:ok...waiting for the show....
Due to a water leak caused by an unsuccessful water softener installation tonight's show has been cancelled.
It will be made up tomorrow as a day-night doubleheader :wink:
The title of this thread sounds like a movie.
Starring Julie Jensen and Keith Hoodman as Culligan.
Denise Edwards, played by Julie Jensen, strives to find a replacement for her recently discarded boyfriend, played by the versatile Keith Hoodman.
Rated R because of language and nudity.
Opening in theaters everywhere on Saturday.