Do blind people ever join nudist colonies?
Yes, it makes dressing much simpler.
Does the United States even have a nudist colony?
There are many here Jane. As well as clothing-optional beaches. In San Fransisco it's been determined by the courts that public nudity is legal so long as you are not doing anything obscene
I was joking, Nick
We have "Black's Beach" down here in the south, it's a public beach for
nudist, but all you find there, are Mexicans with huge binoculars
CalamityJane wrote:I was joking, Nick
We have "Black's Beach" down here in the south, it's a public beach for
nudist, but all you find there, are Mexicans with huge binoculars
I am very much gabacho and i have weak eyes.
I have been to Black's Beach a few times. When I'm down your way we must go there Jane. Everyone up here n santa Barbara are such pudes -- or shoud I say prunes.
BRATTLEBORO, Vt., July 16, 2007
(AP) Topless women on parade? That was fine.
Teenagers loitering in the buff, in a downtown parking lot? No problem.
Naked sunbathers at swimming holes? It was just au naturel.
But a senior citizen in his birthday suit, walking through the center of
town on a Friday night, wearing only a fanny pack?
That's where Brattleboro draws a fig leaf.
After years of allowing public nudity, the town famous for its strip-and-let-strip
attitude is considering banning it in parts of town, saying naked notoriety
has begun drawing people here and is offending locals.
The town's Select Board plans to introduce an emergency ordinance
banning nudity in some parts of town Tuesday.
"Just because you can doesn't mean you should,"
said Select Board member Dick DeGray.
"You can't go into a store and buy an adult magazine until you're 18,
and yet you can walk down the street in Vermont and see naked people.
There's something wrong with that picture."
On July 6, a 68-year-old man showed up naked downtown,
walking the streets during Gallery Walk, a monthly social event in which
people roam downtown, stopping in art galleries and shops. Gallery
owner Suzanne Corsano was locking up for the night when she
encountered him on a sidewalk.
"Naked people don't impress me," said Corsano, 60. "But to be walking
down the street like that. I just looked straight at him, and he looked down.
He was trying to get me to look down there, but I wouldn't."
The man told residents he was from Arizona and had decided to vacation
in Brattleboro after reading about its public nudity freedom on the Internet.
Vermont has no state laws against public nudity, although a handful of
cities and towns have enacted anti-nudity ordinances.
Brattleboro flirted with the idea of an anti-nudity ordinance last summer
when a group of teenagers took to hanging around a downtown parking
lot in the nude, which led to national publicity and triggered telephone
calls from curious people in faraway places.
"They'll call up and say, `So, I hear you've got a lot of naked people
running around town,"' said Jerry Goldberg, executive director of the
Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce.
Some would-be visitors call to say they are putting off their planned visit
because they're worried about public nudity, he said. Town officials
worry, too: The idea of naked people spoiling Gallery Walk night by
scaring away families with children is chilling.
"Every time you guys do one of your articles, people come from all over,"
said police Capt. Steven Rowell.
Last week, a man charged with a felony sex crime for dancing naked in
the street pleaded to a lesser offense and got a one-year deferred
sentence. Adhi Palar, 20, of Brattleboro, was among the group that
dabbled with nudity last summer. He was cited because police said he
was seen dancing naked and pulling a piece of clothing back and forth
between his legs, rubbing his genitals.
Public nudity is far from an everyday occurrence, but many here want it regulated.
"It's time they did something about it," said Sherwood Smith,
manager of Baskets Bookstore, which is located near a parking lot where
naked teens gathered last summer. "It hurts a store like this. People who
are likely to buy used books are often conservative middle-aged people, or older."
Not everyone agreed.
"I don't like the idea of them taking the rights to something natural away,"
said Rhiannon Curtis, 19. "I like to swim naked, and that would be
affected if they do this. Vermont doesn't need to conform to the rest of society's uptight rules."
[ emfasis added by Guess Who ]
but Y does anyone CARE ?
What 's the difference ?
The article referred to effects on children; again,
in a worst case scenario: what is the worst that can be anticipated ?
Will his grades decline ? not as good in arithmetic, or geografy ?
or biology ? Will he conspire to violate the Sherman Anti-Trust Act ?
Will he drop out of school ?
In a worst case scenario,
what is the worst that is expected of a rampant nudist ?
What is the reason that any shopper
is interested in whether parking lots r filled with teenage nudists ?
or whether those parking lots r empty ?
R the shoppers afraid that the kids r bareing arms ?
What is the psychology of this ?
Have there been any studies on the effects of nudism
on ambient shopping ?
Is a man more DANGEROUS, if his arms r bare ?
Shud nudists be allowed in casinos ?
playing poker ?
When social critics decry the prevalence of smoking among children,
or deplore drunken driving, or counterfeiting,
or inadequate dental hygene,
I can see their points, in the social ills to which thay object,
but I am curious as to the logic of interest in whether teenagers who
habituate a parking lot r dressed or not.
Is this discrimination against the ambulant elderly population ?
Comments ?
Questions ?
Explanations ?
Enlighten my benited mind ?
Risk a R.A.S.K says OmSickDavid but only when wearing a gun.
dyslexia wrote:Risk a R.A.S.K says OmSickDavid but only when wearing a gun.
Well, YEAH, in the sense that u
always have your spare tire
in your trunk, too, because u never know when u r going to have to USE it.
If I 'm rong, please explain HOW.
Better to HAVE a gun, and not need it,
than to NEED a gun and not HAVE it.
curious as to the interest eh?
its because naked you cannot hide your sexuality.
Us humans are completely reliant on sex to survive.
We made up rules saying we are not allowed to be nude.
People are breaking those rules.
Humans are stupid, thats why lol.
NO IT MEANS POSSIBLY HUMANS ARE AFRAID OF OUR SEXUALITY BECAUSE we think that being sexual (if your religious) equates to being sinful.
And sin=death.
But we have been doing it for so long we just cant think of being naked in public, just my 2 pesos.
Does the Bible say that nudity = sin ?
I'm not sure, i dont usually read fiction.
OmSigDAVID wrote:Does the Bible say that nudity = sin ?
If that's the case, when our parents got naked for us to be conceived then we are all the products of SIN!!! Man, that totally sucks!
Adam and Eve did not know that they were naked until they had sinned.
Once they knew that they were sinful they hid them selves from the Lord by donning an apron.
Since obviously sex is sinful by definition, then clothes are a way of concealing the fact that you are interested in sex.
By making sex forbidden you ensure that people think of little else. This is why the most repressive religions have the highest birthrates.
The Old Testament authors were indeed astute observers of human nature
Thats why priests, preachers, and imams must wear robes, and women wear chadors, skirts, and Amish cloaks.
It's the attitude that is kind of hard for a naked man to hide
NickFun wrote:OmSigDAVID wrote:Does the Bible say that nudity = sin ?
If that's the case, when our parents got naked for us to be conceived then we are all the products of SIN!!! Man, that totally sucks!
They could have done it through a hole in the sheet.
Has anyone ever read David Sedaris book Naked...the title story in the book totally demystifies nudist camps.
Reading about it is OK but I'd rather see for myself. :wink:
Last link had a misteak in it Try this one