Wed 27 Jun, 2007 07:32 pm
I'm planning a family gathering this sumner and I want to serve wine. White wine is not a problem because I can keep it cold, but red wine should just be cool. The day may be very hot and the gathering is at a city park. I would like to keep it cool but not cold. Suggestions?
A bucket of ice with water...
take each new bottle out before pouring; a glass will warm up soon enough.
(just my totally non pro opinion)
put it in a cooler with a SMALL amount of dry ice.... 55% degrees is ideal for a red... dont serve anything really full bodied in a red if you're going to keep it at "room temperature" which is 55%.....
actually Bear is fullo'****, red wine should be at 57.8 F
Do you think regular ice would work as well, bear? I was thinking more on the lines of what osso suggested. Maybe put all the bottles in a cooler with ice water just in the bottom.
How about red wine in a cooler with water kept cool with a few cubes tossed in as necessary?
I think I'm going to do an experiment to see how much ice is necessary. Not tonight, though.
The water could unstick the labels, though.....
Well, if they're $70. bottles of wine, I'd be checking wine sites....
littlek wrote:The water could unstick the labels, though.....
Good point. Maybe I should just put them in a dry cooler with an ice pack. Bear's suggestion about the dry ice is probably the best. I just don't want to have dry ice around when there will be little kids around.
Osso, pffft. $70 bottles! Remember who you're talking to.
dyslexia wrote:actually Bear is fullo'****, red wine should be at 57.8 F
isn't that the temperature in your wine cabinet below the sink?