All the missing I miss have been listed I believe....let me think on it a bit but, if not here already...they should be...dangit

Nice to see Irish posting

I am one of the lucky Bostonians that gets to see former Abuzzers/A2Kers quite regularly IRL which is a lovely thing.
Miss having marycat close by though! And dont see mazepattern or elliez quite often enough...bored also.
Dak would be a nice fella to see around, it was nice that he came to a gathering and then...well, hasnt been seen since lol
doggiedoo (moondoggy) will always be missed and although he stops in here and there, its not often enough.
The general...well, he knows hes greatly missed Im sure but, perhaps in time he'll find his way in to share with us great wisdoms.
Dable and katms stopped in for a little bit but, havent been seen since...some of those great ones from that Summer 2000 about JaketheGal and hubby who were last seen going into a cabana at one of the beachparties....hopefully they got back together and are living blissfully without the internet...even though they are missed.
Such an incredibly long list but, fond memories and a place for them to stop in to say hello....thats a nice thing.