Who do you miss?
I miss all of the old abuzzers. I was thinking of Ridinghood, when GoAway mentioned the broken arm. She broke both arms when she fell at the school where she teaches. She had a rough time of it. I haven't seen anything from her in a long time.
GoAway has had a rough time of it also and it is still painful for her to type.
I think Deb and I both emailed her...
and are both thrilled to see her here!
I go away for 2 whole days - and whaddya do - stage a huge reunion without me!
Wonderful to see old friends here - esp, Seattlefriend. And Dill pickle is alive!
I miss Moondoggy and Aa - now there's a combination!
And Wilso seems a bit quiet lately?
there's a bunch of people i miss from afuzz and here, many have been named already.
good to see debacle posting here again. i wish andrewt would show up one day.
Andy, I already noted the who/whom thing and decided to let it pass.
The Diva was a godsend on 9/11, 9/12, etc. It was the only time I found myself on a thread with her. She was checking on the whereabouts of NY abuzzers. I was posting with whatever info I had. When the fumes started seeping into my apartment, I suffered a serious asthma attack. She offered to come over to take care of me!!!! I will always be grateful to her for her unflagging energy through that horrible time--and for her humanity. I doubt that she will remember me, but I'll never forget her.
I'm also remembering some fun exchanges with madman Mike or, as I liked to call him, Mike the maniac.
And where's Yellow Dog? Is he here under another name? He and I were supposed to go into an antiplant/antihorticultural business together. We were very competetive about which of us had the greater talent for killing off flora.
And there's an abuzzer I'm still in touch with, but I'd love to see her post here--Joan Dark.
Hi!!! I think I heard that you took a trip somewhere. Maybe not this week? You say you were gone two days, but did you take a longer trip earlier this year?
I like the sassy cat photo? Is that your cat?
Seattle friend
margo hasn't been
somewhere, seattlefriend, she has been to Europe (Sweden, Switzerland) and
Yes, where has Wilso been?
How about Ethelred and Notwavingbutmostlyharmless....and yeah..MadManMike....sigh
Reminded of Diva and the 9/11 times...I havent seen Darryl here yet either...must remember to shoot her a mail...I was glad to hear she had gone to Florida but, was nervous for days and days.
I am remember a woman I liked, whose name started with C (I think), dagnabbit, I can't remember the name, but I haven't seen her or MMM here.
Whatever happened to LarryBS? I miss him.
I sent LarryBS a PM a coupla days ago, hoping he gets them in his email (or the notices thereof) - telling him he was missed here.
Wilso flew through briefly within the last couple of days. Hmmmmmm, where did I see him. It was something political.
margo wrote:All the other Pommy A2K'ers avoided me
It's just the opposite: you didn't want to join us on next Saturday!

(Gautam neither

I wonder why Sqwerl_X has never made it over here.
cjhsa -- Skwerl made a brief appearance at the same time Slappy Doo Hood (Sp.?) did. I think he found us too tame, though, and decided to stay with Abuzz where it's down and dirty.