What are you?
The assumption in the question is that I am the answer, that I am something tangible, something sensed, something thought of, something that can be grasped.
But if I am always the observer and never the observed, always the perceiver and never the perceived then that which is 'me' , the observer, is never observed or perceived, for it is always doing the observing and perceiving, so I cannot get to what I am through a subject---object relation. I cannot be referred to.
I am a non-observable and therefore beyond all 'observables' yet indistinguishable from them.
So there's no 'observable " I " observing, there's just observing.
I am pure awareness, pure observation, untainted by imagination, and as such I am not the answer to any question.
Anything from Author to Writer and anything or anyone I dream up in between times. I am also a Movie Maker.
So I am what I am, what ever that is, at any given time. Instantly changable dependant on situation and mood.
Twyvel, thou art the ultimate soliphist.
P. the Sailorman:
"I yam what I yam, and that's all what I yam."
Carl Sagan told me I am star stuff.
I don't know that for sure, but it seems reasonable.
Yeah, Frank, you seem to be way out in the stratosphere someplace.

Setanta------I am Henry the Eigth I yam
ci...its all over the place here already silly.
Hi Twyvel,
twyvel wrote:The assumption in the question is that I am the answer, that I am something tangible, something sensed, something thought of, something that can be grasped.
I don't believe this assumption is inherent in the question. Your answers need not be restricted to the tangible, or even the probable.
Observing thought isn't like observing a reflection in a mirror. Awareness isn't limited by causality, and as such, you can be both observer and observed. Right?
Best Regards,
I am a mildly psychotic, neurotic, manic depressant, existential nihilist. I am also the new messiah. Charity is not necessary, but they will be appreciated.
I am an Endless.
NNY, I have bad news for you. You want it now or later? c.i.
Is it that I don't believe in myself? Or that the new pants I got don't match any of my shoes? Lasso the billy and tie up the kangaroo.
He does not exist; and thus he is all that matters. Do you understand?
How did you know? Yeah, get another pair of shoes to match your pants.

*What* am I?
I am you.
We are God.
We are all there is.
(PS -- Do I make myself clear?)
What does "what" mean ?
What does "are" mean ?
What does "you" mean ?
Wittgenstein would have loved this !
I am you are he is we are all together...
I am alive.
Why do I need to be anything else?