yes. hafta but it's alright.....they know to leave me to myself when I'm in bath mode.
Onyxelle...I have a good trick for you. Did you know if you take a boom box into the bathroom, lock the door, and play soothing music real loud, then put your head under the water, you can still hear the music, but not the shouts outside the bathroom door? It works! Try it! Kept me sane when my son was that age.
bath shower
would just like to add that a shower is more hygienic and would not no what a sauna is like as i live in England its cold here and there nothing better than a long hot soak in winter and tepid shower in summer . x x x
lol would also like to say that there are saunas in England but never been in one pmpl x x
Re: bath shower
jackturton wrote:would just like to add that a shower is more hygienic and would not no what a sauna is like as i live in England its cold here and there nothing better than a long hot soak in winter and tepid shower in summer . x x x
It's debatable whether or not a shower is more hygenic. If you are sharing it with multiple people/it is dirty, a shower is more hygenic than a bath. However, in baths the water permeates more areas of your body for longer, and what is in the water usually stays in the water (won't get back on you.) This is why I feel that for that squeaky prom night kind of clean, A nice long soak in the tub followed by a quick rinse - off of all the bubble soap is for best.
well am laughing now this is great must agree a bath is nice yummy and relaxing any way off to bed be good all speak soon x x x
People with ass boils or back boils fair better with the extra circulation provided with a bath.
For instance I made an ass of myself, and developed a boil over it, but thanks to the friendly nature of the bath, all was dissolved away,including me because I took the bath using runoff water from the niagara penninsula.
I love both personally....I shower more often though, but I sure like to take a nice bubblebath with one of my wife's bubblebaths from Bath & Body Works......the bath is alot lmore relaxing I must say
If I'm bathing alone and have the time, a nice bubble bath is great. I still use the kiddie stuff, Mr. Bubble. I don't like showers unless the hubby is with me. Showering together saves water...but not much time. :wink:
As soon as I train myself to lick my own balls, showers and baths will be meaningless for me.
Here in Montreal we have this algae bath liquid. Only a dollar a litre and it's all algea. It turns the water the most delicious turquise. It's truely one of the best deals in town.I give one to all my guests. Bain d'algues.....
usually shower, bath to relax or soothe muscles, but i also shower after a bath, i don't feel comfortable after sitting in dirty water if i don't rinse
Oh yes but now the secret is out maybe i should go into exporting it.
I try not to do anything in the bathroom that takes up a lot of time. Get in, do what you came to do, get out. The bathroom should be as small as possible to get the job done and leave.
Therefore I am a shower man. I haven't sat in a bath in years.
Well when you come from the Poles, i guess sitting in water just isn't something one does there.Bathing on eitjher Pole must be out of the question,outside.
Oh yes but now the secret is out maybe i should go into exporting it.
I never take off my clothes. So baths and showers frustrate me equally.