I do note you say "yard pool" so I can see that working...
what I guess I meant was, it would be rather hard to do the act in the deep end of an Olympic pool, for example. Especially is said pool was like 60 degrees...
On a related note, "my friend" warned me not to get a waterbed. He said for all their reputation as being a preferred bachelor's bed, in reality they are very difficult to actually "work" with in time of action. No leverage is how he put it. Sure enough, I've only been on a waterbed 3 times or so in such situation, and it wasn't that great. Maybe its something you learn to work with, like learning to swim or something?
In any event, thats a digression. Will enjoy your story, at your convenience of course...
That would be funny if kids start to get on A2K after you put them to bed later on in years...and see dad's postings....