Tue 22 May, 2007 04:13 pm
I've been looking for a Web-based document editor or other such utility to accomplish a task. I've seen something like it in on-line ordering forms from printing companies for things such as business cards and invitations. Anyone have suggestions or a clue as to what is used on those printing company websites?
Here's the task:
We want it to reside on one website.
Templates of flyers and other documents will be uploaded to that website.
Multiple users will input customizations in designated fields on an ordering form such as their group name, website address and meeting location. They would also have an option of using a logo that could be uploaded and included in the merged document.
Users will select the templates they wish to use.
The template and ordering form customizations will be merged and a pdf file created for downloading/printing.
I envision the ordering form looking something like this:
Select the customized items you wish to appear on the handout when printed.
o Group Name
o Mailing Address:
Street Address_______________________________________
City__________________ State____________ Zip_________
oTelephone Number: Area Code______ Number_____________
oEmail Address: _______________@______________________
oWebsite URL:_________________________________________
oLogo jpg image file __________________________(upload image file) Must be no larger than 200x200pixels
Font color for customizations (select one)
Select the handouts you wish to customize for your group:
Handout Name: (will have more specific titles, this is an example)
o Tri-fold brochure
o Group postcard
o Group business card
o 8.5x11 2-sided flyer
Do you have an example of what you are talking about? I've seen it done so many different ways that I'm not sure which one you have in mind.