Homeless people migrate. It is easy to do.
Well... it USED to be easy to do 15 or so years ago.. When the rules of the rail yard were a bit more lax, and there were not barb wire fences running along the edges of the tracks in the places where the train would run less then 30mpg gaining speed.
When there also was not a certain hired group to peek into trains and investigate empty cars
Yes. Migration happens.
I do not know if they are still there.. but I used to have two big dark burn lines across the back side of my thighs from falling under a moving train once, trying to 'move south'. Jon, the man I was with at the time was running beside me and we threw our packs in, and I tried to get up the ladder only to have the foot piece fall off . I fell on my back with my legs under the track. He pulled out a large chunk of my hair getting me away from the wheels. By all means.. I should not have legs today.
Tracks are dangerous, even to the seasoned train hopper. And they are getting less and less accessible. But I am rambling..
As Quinn and others have stated.. and as I have said before.. the homeless people you SEE are generally not the ones who need real help.
BPB said something along the lines of having to be in shape to be homeless. Very true.
Tell me the last time you saw a homeless person with a sign that looked like they were truly hungry? I mean stick thin hungry
This is not saying that they are NOT hungry.. I mean.. people dont stand on the corner for an ego boost.
but normally.. ( and everyone can look THIS up ) most cities have shlters that offer at least one meal a day... and a person can find 3 or more hot meals scattered all across town.
If you could not.. they would not live in that town

There is no way. Well.. there is dumpster diving.. THAT cans sufice anyone , but normally if there are no shelters giving basic needs, there are no homeless people. ( yes. that is a very general statement and can be proven wrong any where. So what)
Those who are trying to get out of being homeless, and the people who are truly down on their luck.. as I have said before.. are not in front of you smiling, selling jokes.. or asking for fuel for their lier jets.
When I was doing the whole signing thing.. it was for beer. Period.
And ya know the BEST thing to stand on the corner with?
I was young, quiet, dirty and not what you generally see. I was female so I was not threatening. I was also the face of parents kids. Daddys girl, Mommas cheerleader.. etc..etc.. and all that corny stuff.
I devoted maybe 2 hours a day and I could walk away with over 200.00 bucks. easily.
But I was different from the man who claims to be a vet.
Or the guy who says he will work for food.
I was a kid.
Ohhh the memories. One day I need to write this crap down.
You know that Jay Leno once rolled his window down to me..
It was a few years after that big ass limo gave me 20 dollars that I saw him on TV and knew who he was.
Can I tell you how many times older men asked if they could sodomize me for money? While at a stop sign?
Or how many women asked if they could have sex with me? Promising me a bath and clean clothes, name brand shoes .. ?
Sometimes with their kids in the back seat?
Or the dozens of teenage boys who would yell at me to show them my tits for a beer.. or something else really stupid.
For my sleeping safety, I had to save pennies to buy a stolen car for 200.00 so that people could not hurt me while I slept.
ohhhh.. I can tell you the stories. And I can hopefully make people understand that being homelss is not as simple as holding a sign selling a joke for a quarter.
The people who want off the street are applying for small jobs, shopping through your donated clothes in hopes ofnot looking homeless. They are sleeping in shelters if they are safe, and relying on shelters to keep them fed, give them an address and a phone number to use for that possible job interview and are not parading around drunk.
please.. PLEASe re think where you want to put your money if you are going to help homeless people.
Giving that man/woman on the corner a dollar may make you feel superior and like you are really doing something 'good' for someone.. yet you really do nothing.
Take your used clothes to a womans shelter.
Spend 20 dollars and buy canned , or fresh foods and give them to a shelter.
im going to stop preaching now.