JLNobody wrote:I see your point, but in the case of Jesus, I would confine myself to his teachings rather than his deeds. And the only way to deal with the Falwells and Robertsons is to ignore them. I would never dignify their drivel with counter agruments.
Do you have any idea how many times the original texts of the bible were altered in its being copied over centuries? There is absolutely no freaking way we can ever know what Jesus' words actually were.
Unless I'm to believe that all umteen hundred people who copied the Bible were divinely inspired to "perfect" the "original" text.
Who's to say that I can't have a seizure, wake up, and copy the Bible in my own blood with the convenient omissions of homosexual condemnation, and the curious insertion of a hot threesome at the last supper, and it be as legitimate as some barely-literate nutsack in 400 A.D. who said, "Eh,
surely this part is a mistake. I shall fix it for the Lord." And voila... the version that wound up printed on the press.
Such trash.