Thu 17 Jul, 2003 06:57 pm
Whether our perceptions are right or not, many believe that GWBush lied to engage in this war with Iraq. If his lies were responsible for this war, and thousands of innocent and military Iraqi's were killed as a consequence, who has the moral and ethical responsibility? Saddam for his non-cooperation with weapon's inspection? The US Congresss for approving the war? Or the American People? Please state your case why you chose one over the others. Thx, c.i.
If Bush's lies were responsible for the war -- none of the three is correct in my opinion.
Bush is responsible.
Have you forgotten Bin Laden?
The guy, who's hidding somewhere...
oh, the guy thats living in Palm Springs across the fairway from Bob Hope's place?
The new Arabic teacher at Harvard Law School.
i'll leave to the bard.
"See what a scourge is laid upon your hate,
That heaven finds a means to kill your joys with love
All are punished."
R & J act V, scene iii
It is Bush's responsibility. He lied to the american people in order to win support for what he wanted. There was never a time that i personaly saw Iraq and Sadam a threat to the US. Other Arib countries did not see him as a threat, even though they did not like Sadam at all. I am glad that we did "free" the Iraqi people and i can only hope that soon they will really see what opportunities they have now to live a free life.
Only time will tell.
If the finger is pointing Bush's way, the resonsibility lies with those who elected him!
Oh, that's right, they actually elected the other one...........hmmmmm.
BGW, You talking about our "king?" LOL c.i.
Someone should "crown" him, with something very heavy!
(I assume the CIA is reading all this, so much for going accross "that" border again!)
I'll be happy to provide the "heavy." c.i.
Now that would be a REALLY thankless, boring job; to make your way into work, at the CIA headquarters, pick up a coffee, sit down at your computer every morning, enter a search for "Bush", and read everything that is being typed on the internet about him!
And report on it
Reading everything???
Oh boy, am I in trouble.
I called Bush a moron in several posts.
Although I did take it back and apologize in one thread.
Ah...forget about that last line.
I just remembered that I apologized to any morons who might be with us.
Frank, If you're in trouble, I'm already in deep doodle.

_ c.i.
maybe we should start a "Bush Buddies" thread?

(a little self preservation mixed with denial)
Come to think of it, if they do a "Bush" search, they are probably inundated with "crotch porn"; (not much difference)
blubomber wrote:It is Bush's responsibility. He lied to the american people in order to win support for what he wanted. There was never a time that i personaly saw Iraq and Sadam a threat to the US. Other Arib countries did not see him as a threat, even though they did not like Sadam at all. I am glad that we did "free" the Iraqi people and i can only hope that soon they will really see what opportunities they have now to live a free life.
Only time will tell.
You didn't see any threat, but then why would you? Are you a politician or a Statesman?