Sun 6 May, 2007 06:50 am
Some time ago a member posted a link to a program where you could frame images, and add text below. I saved that link, and used it for many creative art projects. You could select the colors for the frames, it had two choices, portrait or landscape styles, and a few other kewl choices. I think, I'm not sure if it was Slappy Doo Hoo who posted it. The member also posted some sexy looking women on that thread too as an example.
Well, my comp. crashed, and I lost all my favorite links.
Please if you remember that post, post that link again so I can save it again.
Thank you,
The link was posted in this General forum.
I don't know if this is the exact same one, but it's the same idea:
(I googled "make your own inspirational poster")
Thank you, thank you!
I took it for granted that it would always be there, and when it was gone I could not remember the name.
I did not think of looking for it with that name.
It's the same one.
Thanks again!