OCCOM BILL wrote:I've seen 16 year olds that look like adults and I've seen 16 year olds that look like kids. Those who find the latter attractive are the target of my disdain. This should be beyond obvious to anyone who isn't trying to insult me as a punitive response to my visceral disgust with those who are heinously, dangerously, abnormal.
Those who find 16 year olds who look younger than their age attractive are worthy of disdain....while those who find 16 year olds who look older than their age are fine?
The 16 year old who looks older may very well be very immature, but by the grace of looking older doesn't rank as high on the pervert scale.
The 16 year old who looks younger may be very mature and emotionally stable and ready for a sexual encounter, but that is wrong because she looks too young.
Yes, it's very important how they look. Anyone can see that.
An 18 year old who looks older has probably been oogled more than a younger looking 18 year old, more likely feeling objectified. She's more likely to continue to draw interest, in the form of a kindly 39 year old man who is in no way interested in her, just wants be be friends because he finds her interesting.
the 18 year old who looks younger doesn't get the attention from the mature gentleman, because that would be wrong.
Some people must think everyone else just fell off the turnip truck.
When I was 13 I looked 18.
When I was 16 I looked 21
When I was 21 I looked 21
When I was 28 I looked 21.
My point, before I get called an idiot again, is that I AM the 13, 14, 15, 16 etc. year old...that got stared at.
You know who stared at me? Men like you bill.
No matter how much you protest, you can bullshit me. I'm a good bit older than you, and have seen you from the age of 20 to 65.
Any man who is so high and mighty and claims only good intent so strongly over and over has something off.
Fortunately, there really ARE a lot of good men out there.
Go on bill....bluff some more by calling me and anyoneone else names, and make cutting remarks.
That's all you are...bluff.
The real well meaning man doesn't need to keep restating his case.