We are in fundamental disagreement over the reality of dualism. Fundamental Reality is indivisible and infinite. Sorry, but I have to go and attend to the illusion of low blood sugar. LOL
Salvation is by grace not works.
Dear Rex,
I see by your latest post maybe I judged too quickly - I based it on your opening comment that I felt was unduly harsh - although I also pointed out it was likely shock value often based on desire to spur debate.
I treat all the religions in our group with the same vigor in trying to find places to post their story.
Some of our religions have a small membership and others have thousands of members - but all deserve the same coverage - not always an easy thing to accomplish. That's how I stumbled across this website - I was doing a search for Buddhist media.
Having said that - I have never claimed to be a religious scholar or expert.
I am strictly a volunteer media advisor doing my best to spread the word about positive work. In fact - except for the basics - I know little about the backgrounds or ideology of most religions. It's obvious to me that you and the rest of the people reacting to you opening post have a more knowledgable religion background.
My background is mainly "street news" and civil rights reporting in Georgia, investigative reporting, cops and courts reporting. Having worked at dozens of different media outlets I do consider myself knowledgable on the way some news is being watered down - or not reported - over the past 30 years.
I have written many articles that were killed in exchange for advertising dollars but also the private promise to fix the problems.
Especially in areas with less than 100,000 population - the media is barely surviving financially so they trade critical news for advertising. The media in larger cities are cutting back staff - so that has the same effect - the news doesn't get reported.
I could give numerous examples but one is:
wrote a seven part series on hospital board of directors abuses that was killed for a doubling of the advertising budget. The paper made the hospital folks promise to fix the problems but not expose them to the public - so at least something got accomplished.
Within the next year both of the founders of the hospital network retired and new rules were designed for board members that do business with their hospital - many board members were enriching themselves on hospital contracts without reporting the transactions as required by 501(c)3 IRS regulations. There were about a dozen other issues that were addressed internally (some problems fixed) but never reported to the public.
I have worked at numerous papers and TV stations whose editorial policy wasn't based on their own true opinion but rather the desire to shock the readers into responding. I think that's a misuse of an editorial because the editorial is meant to be the paper (of TV stations) opinion not just writing some nonsense designed to trigger readers into reacting.
I love debate but writing something you don't truly believe is not the way to spark debate. I have told many people not to react to an editors opinion seems based on shock value. They love people to answers for their own ego - rather the best way to battle an editor with a bizarre editorial is to ignore it. There's nothing a publisher/editorial board hates more than being ignored.
I have many strong feelings about the lack of depth in the media and what I called "McNugget news." Well, I could go on and on but this post is already lengthy.
Rex - thanks for welcoming me - and forgive me if I judge too quickly because while I disagree with you opening post I believe you have more background in religion than I.
The only "religions" I don't like are those who preach hate and violence. But they are not really religious people just hiding under the cloak of religion.
I truly believe the world's religions have more in common than they realize - and I think - are ALL praying to the same God. Just one reporter's opinion.
If not to some god, where do these large prayers go?
He said that when people pray before the image of the Buddha, they are not praying to a deity, but rather the image represents a reflection of the inner self.
It is an example of the sort of chauvinism that humans are prone to. It is the same intensity of belief in the righteousness of one's religion that you display when you demean all other religions. It is an attempt for the imagined Self to expand itself to encompass the All. It is ultimately one of the most terrible tools for increasing the suffering of all sentient beings on the planet.
On a larger and more meaningful level, Jihad is empty and useless. Ultimate Reality has no preference for any artificial division apparent in the perceptual world.
Should I just ignore body, soul and spirit and the LOGIC that it reveals for the mishmash you call Buddhism today?
RexRed wrote:
Should I just ignore body, soul and spirit and the LOGIC that it reveals for the mishmash you call Buddhism today?
I can only assume from that sentence that you simply don't read what you write. LOGIC? Referring to christianity? On which planet?
THERE IS NOTHING LOGICAL ABOUT A BELIEF OF AN OMNIPOTENT GOD. In fact a public declaration in a similar manifestation outside of the major religions would be cause for commital. As for Buddhism a mishmash, that's one of the single most arrogant things you've ever said. Your miniscule knowledge of Buddhism would fit on a postage stamp with room to spare, and yet you can draw this conclusion. This just proves your posses a narrow view and blind ignorance.
I don't have an argument with god because there isn't one. I can't prove a negative. As other people have stated, when you realise why you reject all other gods but your own, you'll understand why I reject yours. You try proving that the world wasn't created by the flying spaghetti monster. Until you do that, you'll just be a deluded psychopath to me. I don't take you seriously because I don't take anyone seriously who expresses belief without being able to prove that what their believing in actually exists. I can deal with buddhism because it doesn't believe in a god with supernatural powers.
Do you want to bow down and worship men? (as many do to Buddha (in the absence of God), Jesus, Mohamed (who were just men)? etc...)
RexRed wrote:
Do you want to bow down and worship men? (as many do to Buddha (in the absence of God), Jesus, Mohamed (who were just men)? etc...)
Buddhists DO NOT worship a man. You've once again provided proof positive of not only your massive ignorance, but your hypocrasy, considering that christians do exactly that. I'm sure if you open your mouth a bit wider you'll be able to fit your other foot in there.