anything! ham-it up!! LOL
Hmmm. I've done very little that I'd consider interesting/notable in my life. Hopefully I've got a few years left to rectify this situation...
I graduated #2 in my high school class even though most of my friends dropped out or barely graduated. (Lesson: it's easy to be a big fish in a mud puddle.)
I once staggered out of a canyon on bleeding feet so parched with thirst that I couldn't swallow food for about 36 hours after returning to civilization. (Lesson: never leave your pack; re-stock water at every opportunity.)
In the period of less than a year I crashed my bike and was unconscious for several minutes, rolled my car, and had a two-ton Genie lift fall on me, fracturing my ankle. These are the only serious accidents I've ever had.
I have completed approximately 6.5 years of undergraduate education and am still going. My sister finally got out after 8. (Lesson: don't spend money you don't have on your education until you know what you want it for.)
I am distantly related, on my mother's side, to Daniel Boone and the Presidents Adams and Buchanan. It must be very distant indeed, because all of the old relatives I ever knew came from dirt.
p.d., Our younger son has you beat; he's been going to college for over ten years, and still hasn't earned a college degree. If we go back far enough, we're all related one way or another. c.i.
husker, on what discipline were you going to compete?
(better not be Olympic walking

Way cool!
"Free" Olympic wrestling, not Greco-roman, I suppose.
I don't know if these are interesting or surprising, but here they are anyway.
I've been in many car accidents, but the worst two were - rolling a car in the Shoshone Forest in Wyoming that came to a stop on the passengers side. I had to be pulled out. The other - a guy ran a red light at 40 mph and slammed into me. You know, those accidents you see and think "someone's got to be dead". All of my time is truly borrowed.
I used to be a bit of a bodyguard growing up. I got into many fist fights with the neighborhood boys because they always picked on my brother. I still have a bit of a violent streak, but haven't been in a decent fight in years. Even now when I see them they'll say "remember that time you beat the crap out of me?" Ah, lovely memories...
At least 3 of my relatives have been locked away in mental institutions. Others have just run away or....? So many scattered and forgotten.
I want a couple of children, but I don't like other people's children and have a hard time spending more than a few minutes with them. Maybe it's other people's assumption that I have some natural maternal instinct that I should care about their kids? I dunno.
Six years ago I constantly told a coworker I was going to marry a guy that I wasn't even dating, just because I thought he was the greatest thing. And now, I am marrying him.
fbaezer wrote:Way cool!
"Free" Olympic wrestling, not Greco-roman, I suppose.
I was also supposed to go on this wrestlefest over in Turkey, India, Russia, and UK - but the footbal coach nixed it!!! Wanted me healthy - then wham bam car-wreck and boycott screws up everything.
Sugar, everyone knows that your own kids are great and everyone elses suck, so no wonder you don't want to be around them. Susan Smith may be an exception, but apparently she has "matured" since her incarceration and is seeking pen pals:
I'd like to beat her unconscious.
And, then wake her up.
And beat her unconscious.
She is using state money to run her ad.
Murdering bitch.
She did it because the rich guy she was dating said his life had no room for children.
She could've given their daddy custody.
I can still see their faces.
It's a shocker eh? Talk about false remorse and hell knows what else....
What a freak. I wonder if she'll withdraw the ad (which runs for a year) after getting hate mail, which I imagine will be a problem for her?
"I consider myself to be sensitive, caring, and kind-hearted... I love rainbows, Mickey Mouse, the beach, the mountains, and waterfalls."
Does she love lakes too, I wonder?
Makes me sick.
Only when I'm on a boat with choppy waters.
It's your tax dollars at work...
Excu-u-u-u-use me but do prisoners have internet access? If so, how much and could Susan Smith be reading this right now?
Yes, prisoners have regulated internet access. This is her true internet personal.
But can they go on sights like this, be incognito, have fun and mingle?