neologist wrote:real life wrote:neologist wrote:The first lie appeared in Genesis ch. 3, vs. 4: "YOU positively will not die."
You earlier suggested that one of Jesus' statements referred to 'spiritual death'.
Since Adam and Eve didn't drop dead the day they disobeyed God, could this be referring to the same?
Just asking.
neologist wrote:If there had been any consciousness or punishment or reward after death, surely God would have informed Adam and Eve straight on. Their hope was to have lived forever on earth. Had they not sinned, they would still be here and we would not have war and crime and sickness and death.
The Hebrew words we read as 'Garden of Eden' could just have easily been translated as 'Paradise of Pleasure'. An interesting prospect for mankind, eh?
So your whole objection is based on what YOU think God shoulda done?
Isn't doctrine based on what the Bible SAYS and not what we THINK IT OUGHTA say?
My objection is based on what the bible actually says. They were told to live in the paradise and extend it over the entire earth, to bear children and have dominion over the animals. No mention of heaven or hell. After they sinned, they were told only that they would return to dust. That their physical death was preceded by a spiritual death should come as no surprise.
You state your position is based on what the Bible
says[/i], but then, you immediately argue based on what there is 'no mention' of.
The issue is not one of heaven or hell, but whether when the body dies, the person still has conscious existence.
Paul says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, and in another passage, that he desires to depart and be 'with Christ' which is far better.
Do you think Paul is with Christ now, or that he was mistaken in what he anticipated and wrote about?