I love it I love it I love it. I've loved it from the beginning, and am
still mad at Alex for "going on to better things." HA! Trading Spaces is now way bigger than stupid stupid Joe Millionaire, which she was shunted off of at the end by my pal Mark Walberg (I actually know him) anyway. I've never warmed up to Paige, with her manic grinning and just slightly OFF-ness.
I DO really really like Teresa Strasser, though, so While You Were Out is now competing with Trading Spaces for my affections.
I just watched a show where some big-haired Texas gal stood up to Hildi, which was great. Hildi wanted to dye the beige carpet orange. Yeah, that'd work. This gal totally stuck to her guns without being passive-aggressive or aggressive-aggressive, just, no, uh-uh, ain't gonna happen.
I love Frank's personality but he's way too frilly. Gen has some good ideas, some lousy ideas, but I like her too. (Another Minneapolis girl, I think she's a bit younger than me though -- I still keep thinking I know her from somewhere.) Vern definitely has the best taste and work ethic... I know he's sometimes too too tasteful/ matchy, but I like him. Laurie (redhead) sometimes has gorgeous ideas, especially in terms of fabrics/ colors. Doug... gawd he's a freak. Recently watched a rerun of that foot episode. A woman had foot phobia and he had a giant portrait of his foot painted. It was UG-LY. But while that was
supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, his apparently serious attempt at stencilling the walls also sucked, big-time. He's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
Yeah, I like Kia but have not been converted to borders or her whole 80's kitsch thing. That's actually cool? I haven't seen the new guy yet, the one who looks vaguely like Dracula and used to be in charge of sewing.
Anyway, I never watch TV anymore, and this is the one thing I watch with any regularity. It's like a granola bar -- it's junk food, but you can convince yourself it's healthy. It's really just a mixure of "Law and Order" (one hour self-contained storyline), soaps (intrigue! super close-ups of heightened emotions! tears! laughter!), and educational TV (always rub WITH the grain while staining.)
I love it.