Greyfan wrote:
How can you worship a God who gives no sign of his presence, and, conversely, how can such a being or beings be called God, as the term is commonly understood?
I submit that the existence or non-existence of theoretical Gods who do not interact in any way with our plane of existence is irrelevent to the issue of atheism vs. theism; an unnecessary complication, a mere parlor game.
If you are agnostic about the God of the Bible or the Koran or any other God whose existence is asserted, that is certainly a valid point of view which I respect.
But if the main thrust of your argument is to introduce the possibility of Gods no one else has yet imagined, well, that just strikes me as perilously close to founding yet another religion based on faith, although the faith in this case is a particularly shallow one, mercifully free of dogma.
And, no, I don't KNOW any of this. I just suspect it.
"How can you worship a God who gives no sign of his presence, and, conversely, how can such a being or beings be called God?"
maybe you just can't read the signs?
others see god's manifestation in time and space all around them.
some see it in a blade of grass, in a sunset, and in a smile on a small child's face....some see it in the elephant's tusk, others in its tail.
while objective reality, in, shall we say a newtonian, not quantum universe, is a social construct of meaning based upon what we have learned, there is another aspect of human sentience that can not be adequately related by language, and this is the problem with one discussing their own god. it is the aspect that is nestled in the space between thoughts, images, and rational meaning.
rational thought has attempted to identify, quantize, and bring meaning to that aspect of human sentience. people call this god. that the attempt falls from the mark does not lessen the effect on one of such recognition of something mere language refers to as god.
as to higher, or lower planes of existence: i am first and foremost, a incorrigable Flatlander of 5 dimensions, x,y,z, time, and human sentient thought......i could have used polar coordinates as well.
there is a quantum difference between the layers of the stuff of the universe. fundamental are gravity and electromagnetic radiation. in hindsight, it follows that matter would arise from gravity and EM radiation?
it follows that from simple matter life springs?
it follows that from mere life, sentience springs?
it follows that beyond human sentience, just what?
scientific method, observation, inquiry would lead one to wonder that if life arose from non-life, that if sentience arose from non-sentient life, that perhaps the line from gravity and electromagnetic radiation to human sentience can be extrapolated to that which is beyond sentience as we know it. that state or plane of existence could be as far removed from us as we are from an ameoba or lump of clay.
the echo one picks that is between thoughts could well be the reception by the sensory organ of the mind to pick up that which is not completely revealed to us by the 5 sense organs.
what i find quite amusing about atheists is their unmitigated. egotistical gall to think that they are the final step, the finite particle, the definite article of existence, not recognizing that they could be no more than an ameoba in the eyes of what could only be defined as higher sentience.
i am happy that this lump of clay can think, i feel privileged to be sentient, and i, this happy, sentient lump of clay can imagine that i am not the final act in the universe.
and i can imagine that the final act is beyond me and all that i can ever possibly think of in my philosophy.
"All the world's a stage
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,"
William Shakespeare