I think the "interstellar teapots" were coined by Bertrand Russell who made a good living from such "baloney"! His mincemeat dealer was in fact Wittgenstein who took took logic and language to the cleaners (and hence is one of my good guys !) . I note that you do not comment on my own semantic analysis of "truth" and logic" other than to state (your opinion ?

) that my usage of "know" is "unreasonable". But thats an appeal to consensus, Frank, which is the essence of my case! Your "unassailable" fortress has shallow foundations !
For your information this is the challenge that Dawkins issues to agnostics:
"If religious arguments are actually better than Russell's teapot, let us hear the case. Otherwise let those who call themselves agnostic with respect to religion add they are equally agnostic about orbiting teapots...We are all
atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further".(Italics mine)
You might like to pursue that challenge on another thread.