nimh's job is top secret. he works for a very big organization, in fact the biggest, but his work has to do with the smallest groups. and media. and computers. and lovely hungarian girls. perhap i better let nimh say whatever he feels comfortable to say.
i work for the International Institute for Mediation and Historical Conciliation, recently shortened to International Center for Conciliation. We do conflict resolution with a twist... focusing on identity based conflicts (ethnic, religious, cultural, communal) and we approach it through dealing with historical memory of the groups in conflict. that doesn't apply to every conflict, certainly not during or immediately after the war. We choose societies that are 'ready' to come to terms with their past.
I do mostly workshops, being a trained mediator and having way too much theoretical background (24 years of schooling so far) in the subject. we also do consultations every now and then, or sort of a shuttle diplomacy when need be.
My dissertation is on the use of historical memory in politics; perpertuating ethnic conflicts for furthering political agendas of individuals... and that's how i found this Institute. I couldn't have designed a better job for myself if I tried, it's a perfect match.
Nimh works on a lot of related issues. He has vast knowledge of the situation of minorities in europe, and we do work together every now and then. Right now I'm preparing two workshops in Amsterdam, so who else would I turn to for help? We also wrote an introduction to a book together once

. Bet many of youse didn't know that, ay?
we are the shadowy NGO people, the fools that work for beliefs and not money, that are bad patriots and hence have no roots and are doomed to existence on the edge of any society. Yay.