As some of you know, since June I had all kinds of troubles with the Department of Homeland Security. Due to London explosions my visa status got messed up (long story and irrelevant here), I had to wait more than half a year to see my salary, therefore got in debt, and all sorts of unpleasantries.
I applied for H-1B visa. Those were filed this Monday. Total cost: over $5,000. Hassle: priceless. I had to get all sorts of documents I didn't even know existed, get them officially translated, do this, do that... major hassle. Took about a month to put together and file. I have great law firm that I work with, and was gratefull for that. But they can only make sure my application looks great. Today I got this email:
Dear Dagmar,
We have just received word that USCIS received 150,000 cap-subject H-1B petitions as of late yesterday afternoon. As you may know, there are only 65, 000 cap-subject visas available. In keeping with the regulations, USCIS will subject H-1B petitions received both yesterday and today to a computer-generated random selection process. Because of the volume, it is expected to be several weeks or longer before we know which petitions have been selected. This means that you may not get an H-1B visa.
Since you have filed for change of status, you should not travel until further notice. Please contact me if you need to travel.
This is the only information available at this time. I will provide an update as well as a case-specific analysis of your immigration status as soon as I have more information.
Frankly, when I read it, I just broke down and cried. I have to wait weeks again now before I know any results and after all that I still may be shipped off home. I am educated, I have a great job, my boss would give his arm and a leg to keep me, and yet we might not be allowed to in the end. I can't deal with this anymore. This system exhausts me.
So if you can spare a positive thought or, heck, even a prayer, I'd appreciate it. I'm at the end of my rope here.