I am a Bond fan. I am the kind that has only seen a few, but the ones that I have seen I have loved. I caught Goldfinger when I was about eleven and was blown away. That was in eighty-four. I've seen a few here and there since then and liked some and disliked others. So, I guess you could say I am a casual fan. But when I sit down to watch a Bond movie I know I am going to see hot cars and hot women. Like the comment a few above said, there are beautiful women and there are hot women. Bond women are hot women, but this one was not. I'm not saying I wouln't consider myself a lucky man to be with her, but she was not the Bond type. Niether was the script. It tried to be flashy, fast-paced, and fun but fell short of the mark on all three. Yeah, it had well-dressed "beautiful" people and sinsiter-looking bad guys. I would even go so far as to say that the bad guys looked as if they were going to be super-villans. They actually looked scary, at first. The first thing that really pissed me off was the lack of gadgets. I can do with sappy villains if there is going to be some high-tech weaponry. Okay, so my last cell phone was more impressive than any piece of electronics in this movie. The cars were hot but they were so fast the camera operators could not keep up with them so, they were not in much of the movie. There was one almost hot chick and if you are quick you can catch her in two-closely placed scenes a little more than two-thirds of the way through. So..., villains..., gadgets..., cars..., women..., what else are we missing... Bond! There was no Bond, either! The hero did not need to be played by any of the former masters, but Craig was a definate mis-match.