I guess turnabout is fair play. One of the times I DO think I was mean was when I posted about your post on the Western Gathering Thread. so I guess I had that coming.
Nicely served. :-) I have no idea where you get the stuff about someone eating at my craw though, I'd have done that without that part.
sweetcomplication wrote:
Now, how about moving this entire thread to "Trivia and Word Games"?
I actually liked this idea.
Er - been busy this thread, ain't it?
If all you guys were only half as smart as I think I am....there'd be no arguments and no problems and this would be a perfect world.
That's all I have to say about that............

Is it FINALLY over? :wink:
Quote: "Boy I can be stupid"
Yes you can Craven...Permission granted.
Gee, I don't know Craven, why don't you try it and see?
Change the title of the thread - delete the originating post so the rest all look like they're unfounded. Brilliant; and kinda punkassed.
I'm considering opening a thread entitled "The Never-Ending 'Let's all take a shot at Craven, just for giggles' Thread", but I'm going to wait a day or two before doing so, just, you know, so's no one thinks I'm acting out of anger or anything. :wink:
The intent was not to make the rest look unfounded. Much of it is anyway. The intent was to get George out of it, whatever you have against me has little to do with him.
I removed that, and what I said subsequently stands.
Now snood, you came here to berate me for what is quite mild in comparison to what you do and have subsequently done.
Quit using my actions to justify your flaming. How I respond to your vulgarity says nothing about you.
Your desire to both correct me for being untoward as well as raise the bar with out and out flaming looks bad.
How can you complain that I am "mean" to George when I didn't call him anything near the things you subsequently used.
The beam snood.
It'd probably be funny. But wait till this one is over, no need to ahve two threads on the same subject running at the same time. :-)
Quote:"The Never-Ending 'Let's all take a shot at Craven, just for giggles' Thread"
..........like a kid waitin' for Christmas I am......................
Why wait? I think it'd be funny. Especially with all the complaints about how a lesser action was mean.
I will name my firstborn irony.
so, can i start word associating here now?
i'll give ya credit for making me look up a few words last night.
It'd be better than what I'm doin'
Anywho, I gotta stop. I can't be stupid forever. Volleys don't persist if they are not returned. Gotta stop.
What words? Just curious.
Craven de Kere wrote:sweetcomplication wrote:
Now, how about moving this entire thread to "Trivia and Word Games"?
I actually liked this idea.
WOW, Craven, watch out or I may just turn into one of your sycophants :wink: !
I spent over an hour tracking down words - starting with satire. It was a useful exercise for me. I learned I'd been mis-using trenchant.
Please don't. That I do so little to cultivate sycophants is indicative of how I'd likely react.
Beth, my goodness, just everyone who is anyone knows that trenchant means as follows:
Trenchant: an ant that digs trenches
Where in the world were you educated, child?
The wordplay abounds right here on my sadly now neglected thread: