I think you greatly mischaracterize my intellect. I am an arrogant ass, but in no strech of the definition is it fair to say what you did.
Plent of people are willing to mock someone's intellect. Plent of people are willing to mock mine.
Every now and then my intellect deserves to be mocked (yes, yes, it's VERY rare).
And I couldn't care less if you think that my ownership of the forum means I should be held to a different standard. Your dumb comment about being vaporized is ridiculous! Have at me all you want.
Ask around, WHO has EVER been vaporized for insulting or criticizing me?
The greatest leniency in flaming is when it is directed a me. Nobody has EVER had a single action taken against them by the site for flaming me.
So quit the "Big Brother" crap. If you'd like to make the point that I'm an arrogant ass you will find me nodding enthusiastically on the other end.
If you are trying to say I shouldn't do what you do because I own the site I'll call you on that bit of bullshit.
Hey, if anyone wants to pick at my arguments and ridicule them in new threads I can help you find some absolute gems of mine to pick on.
Places where I put the 'e' in 'idjiot'.
Craven de Kere wrote:I have never claimed george is obnoxious!
No, I did.
Craven de Kere wrote:Damn I wish people would quit reading their thoughts into my writing.
Another annoying habit we simpletons have, I suppose.
Craven de Kere wrote:And I couldn't care less if you think that my ownership of the forum means I should be held to a different standard
higher standard of conduct than us mere mortals. Too bad.
The rest is just...well...nasty.
I shall butt out of this thread after this - but, I would just like to say - from real experience - that one can say what one likes to Craven and, while he will defend himself vigorously if he thinks you are wrong, (and this can feel a little withering if you cannot defend your point) there is no way you will be vapourized!
I know that was sort of a joke, but it is an accusation that is levelled fairly often, and it is, in practice, in my long experience of saying rude or critical things to Craven, it is completely untrue. I have found Craven to be most fair and reasonable when criticised, and very willing to admit wrongness if convinced of it, without taking offence or personalizing it.
And without using his role in this forum to vapourize!
See, now I understand why God doesn't answer anyone...
A lot of the "bigger than you" and "better than you" opinion is entirely your creation.
Am I arrogant to a fault? YES!
But you take my arrogance and paint ot on everything I say. I said the flaming at me is not something I use my ownership of the site to "vaporize".
That is FACT. Look it up, ask the people who have delivered some spectacular rants and flames my way.
The reason for this is so that I can interact here. It's not because I am at a higher standard but because of the standard people such as yourself place on me as the owner of the site. You can't ahve it both (or in your case multiple) ways.
You claim I should be held to a different standard and that those who flame me will be "vaporized".
I point out that that is completely false.
Your reaction is that I am snobbishly asserying that I hold myself at a higher standard.
That is pure bull. People get away with more flaming of me than the average member precisely because of the tendency to interpret any staff actions as predjudicial.
When I started this site it was not for Abuzz members and I gave myself no title in hopes of simply being one of the members. It turned out differently and because of insipid accusations such as yours it's completely impossible for me to be the every day ass.
Again, look at your own insipid arguments.
You claim you will be vaporized.
You claim that I should be held to a higher standard.
You claim that the fact that I have not "vaporized" those who flame me is indicative of me thinking I am at a higher standard.
Come back with a coherent argument.
Some tips:
Stick with the arrogant bit. There's no way I can defend myself on that. I'm very arrogant.
Harp on my lack of willingness to use discretion as the better part of valor.
Use terms like obnoxious and such about me, anyone who dislikes me will agree with you. Those who like me will agree that I am often obnoxious.
AVOID dumb arguments about my ownership of the site. It's a thorn in my side and I ahve not ever used it to my advantage when a member flames me.
Craven, here is my most coherent response:
yeah, but; yeah, but; yeah, but :wink:
Deb, you know you only stick up for Craven because you're after him; you just want a little inter-species action, huh? :wink:
Craven; I don't think you are an arrogant asshole;
I think that you would "like" to be an arrogant asshole!
And in all fairness, after reading George...'s post, not having seen it before, it makes a certain kind of "religious" sense (I know - oxymoron); as near as it gets.
And, Craven; when George... gets wind of this, and shows up to comment;
your then transferring the thread to "Humour" would/will be considered "mean", and an abuse of authority (what authority!, I mean access.)
That's unfair to Deb, of all persons on this forum she is the one who has delivered the most scathing critiques of me.
She is a good friend and we have had many ledgendary arguments. She's not afraid to take me to task and she doesn't pull the cowering bull argument.
She knows my arrogance better than any of you and she'll still stick a finger in my eye and make me backpedal.
George has more tact, he'll just ignore it if he dislikes it or doesn't want to dignify it with a response.
Actually, hellifino, I won't tell you what george will do.
Craven, my goodness, that was a joke!! You don't really think I believe she's a rabbit, do you?
Please read the complete title of your thread: it was a joke!
But it was mean.
I men, having good natured fun is one thing but accusing someone or carnal and sinful lust is another.
I know I'm irresistable and such but saying that to Deb is just spitefu;! S.P nemind
Come on! Confess to it! Admit that you were mean and cruel and nasty and all sorts of bad!
You are a glutton for punishment! You come in, say that it was not goodnatured fun and was mean, and when I joke about you...
Nemind, irony is best kept to one's self in a bottle in a dark corner.
LOL SC - Craven never stays any animal long enough for me to assess the possibilities! I WAS quite dizzied when he became a rabbit for a bit - and that hamster is a definite maybe - (the TEETH you know!) - but I suspect Craven's general experience is that I stick it up him more than I stick up FOR him!
(Was I that crude? Seemingly yes....um - I do hope you northern hemisphereites use "stick it up" someone in the same sense that we Ozzians do? Gulp! It means to criticise someone firmly and comprehensively - to haul them over the coals.)
Craven, as part of your response to me, you wrote:
"...having good natured fun is one thing but accusing someone of carnal and sinful lust is another..."
Please tell me you were just kidding right back at me, right? I mean I wouldn't even use the word "accusing" or "sinful" in that context at all. Lust is a good

thing, IMHO :wink: !
Who DARES say I am not a Bunny?! (Different from a Rabbit - vastly superior...)
Yes SC, I was kidding. Furthermore it was obvious. And ironic, and...
Irony is good for the blood!