Now that's just mean!
You are gonna hear that a lot.
Snood: please see title of post to you was supposed to be ironic ...

Perspective is everything. From where I sit, it's amusing in an ironic way that Craven seems to think that it adds charm, or credibility or some other valididty to his noxious arrogance that he keeps proclaiming "I know I'm an ass!" Yup, you're an ass. And not man enough to admit you're just plain wrong and shut the **** up.
I only say that because you're so broadminded about "Never vaporizing anyone who flames on you."
How would that explain how you say stuff like that to other people?
The beam snood, the beam. I never said it adds charm or anything. It's simply an admission of what is true. I am an ass.
Now I hope it felt good to get that out but I keep mentioning the beam for a reason. You say stuff like that here on A2K about others, I have not. But you still like to mount a high horse and lecture me.
The beam snood. Pull the beam out of your eye first.
Craven de Kere wrote:And yes he WAS making a case for the existence of a god. Not trying to prove it because that would be folly but the whole post was his case for god's existence being a better decision than one of atheism.
Frank had said he prefers not taking the leap of faith and George claimed it was prefferable.
He went on to say that because some physicists believed in a god that "this illustrates the difficulty of the assertion that a creator or designer certainly does not exist" and "I do believe it tips the balance away from the affirmation that no god exists".
I'll leave my other qualms for now. But the disagreement is mutual.
Emphasis mine.
That is what I addressed -- that I have sympathy for the notion that taking a leap of faith, lacking proof or even going by logical precepts, can be a positive thing.
Frank Apisa and you. who else have I been that caustic with?
Besides that, what has that got to do with the fact that I think it takes a special kind of myopic meanspiritedness to start a whole thread to diss someone? And save your advice, Yoda. It's just a matter of opinion whose "beams" need extracting more.
Some people enjoy the Don Rickles style of humorous ridicule and others do not. Just change the channel if it isn't your cup of tea.
Madame, this is America. Not only is it a time-honored tradition to "change the channel", but also to tell the editor he is an ass before doing so.
have told him so. Why do you still linger and participate in the debauchery? It seems that Craven is not the only lookie-loo who enjoys gawking at a train wreck.
Butrflynet: I feel compelled to jump in before Craven does and I do so w/o a sense of irony: That last post of yours was mean, not only mean but presumptuous. Please get off your 'high horse' !
Butrflynet wrote:Some people enjoy the Don Rickles style of humorous ridicule and others do not. Just change the channel if it isn't your cup of tea.
Could be, Butrflynet. Actually, I never thought ridicule had anything to do with humor; nor mockery for that matter.
Quite right, Roger.
Now, how about moving this entire thread to "Trivia and Word Games"?
Oh boy! Looks like I've stepped into a John Wayne movie. Why a J W movie? Because they all had the BIG BRAWL somewhere in the course of it all, just for the hell of it. Now I'm looking around for somebody with broad shoulders and a big hat.
I agree with you Roger. That is why I am not much of a fan of Don Rickles and always change the channel if he is on a show.
As for Craven, I have noticed a steady increase in the acidity levels of his remarks about/toward people who post here. In another thread people were pondering why the flame levels have increased on these boards recently.
It might behoove him to give some thought to the correlation and perhaps take a short vacation from the maintenance of the boards to recharge his batteries.
Craven, I say that out of concern for you and the stresses you are under. Something is obviously eating at your craw. I hope you take some time to resolve it soon for your own well being as well as your message board community.
Damn, I got whiplash from that detour...
hey Roger, how you doing?
Been worse.
Been better. Thanks for asking.