Gosh, Maliagar, you sounded rather frazzled in that last post.
You asked me to check out the Catholic Catechism on a few questions -- and in the first one I did check on (the slavery issue) I was able to point out a serious error in the material presented -- and a lie. (A lie of omission.)
Now you seem to be annoyed that I have pointed those things out to you.
For what it is worth, that probably is how Chris Dardan felt when he succeeded in getting O. J. Simpson to try on that glove.
You should have checked what the Catholic Church was teaching about slavery -- and you would easily have seen for yourself that their "teaching" was very, very suspect. In fact, it is abysmal. And if the way they handled the slavery issue is any indication of the reliability of Catholic teaching -- one would probably be better advised to simply pass over their rationalizations in favor of personal interpretations, no matter how dangerous they want you to think that would be.
Quote:You have me all figured out, eh? But I am a man of faith, and I'm still hoping for you to enlighten this poor soul about the depths of "the religion of no-religion". I could say that you have quietly brushed the subject under the carpet, but this would be uncharitable and presumptuous. It would be like saying that I have you all figured out, and that that's why I'm not going where you want to take me.
Everything in due time, Maliagar. I will talk with you about whatever issues you have with people who are not religious for as long as you want. It is a subject that interests me -- and I am delighted that I will have a worthy opponent in a debate on the merits of the issue. But we still have all this preliminary stuff to get through.
Quote:I don't know. You're the expert. However, when I read Rahner or the Catechism, I don't see any evasions... But hey, that's just me. It may be the brainwashing I've been subjected to.
I think your guess is correct in this instance. Yep, that would be my guess.
Quote: For in my oh so very limited Christian experience...
You seem to revel in sarcasm, Maliagar. Do you have any idea of why you use it so much?
Quote:...theology is one of the most critical, rational and comprehensive disciplines in the history of Western culture.
Good grief, man, get a grip on yourself.
If anything, theology is one of the least critical and least rational disciplines ever to pollute the Earth. For the most part, theology -- or the theists who comprise theology, non-Christian as well as Christian -- simply pull stuff out of the air; express it as a "belief"; and then announce that they have faith in this bit of blind nonsense.
You consider that rational? You consider that critical? You consider that comprehensive???
Quote:Don't forget that it was the Church who maintained universities, scientists, and the flame of classical philosophy during the Middle Ages[/b]. But hey, this can also be a lie.
What are you smoking?
Christianity -- and the Church -- probably set science back in western civilization by 1000 years. The damage the Church has done to science -- and the damage it continues to do -- is appalling.
When the Church finally gained a foothold in the western world (which is to say, in the Roman world) -- two things happened.
One -- within 75 years, the 500 year old Roman empire went out of business. People -- especially Christians -- love to blame the fall of Rome on its debauchery, but the fact remains that when Rome was most debauched -- it was also the most powerful empire the world had ever seen.
When the Christians took over, it went kaput.
Two -- the progress that had been made in art, architecture, technology, science, law, and government under the Greeks and Romans came to an abrupt halt. In fact, the first 800 years of Christianity's ascendancy were so devoid of progress, they are known as the Dark Ages.
For you to make that absurd claim on behalf of your church is laughable. But I respect you for at least trying to make the most out of a very bad hand of cards that you've been dealt.
I'll leave you with these few thoughts to chew on, Maliagar. I'll get to the rest of your post at some point -- unless you post something equally preposterous in response to these few comments -- in which case, I'll handle the new stuff.
I hope you don't mangle this one though, because there is lots of really funny material in the remainder of your post - and I am looking forward to commenting on it.
LAST THOUGHT: You really ought to think over the implications of the slavery treatment in the Catholic catechism. It tells you a lot about the information you are using to run your life.
And none of it is good!