For anyone that does not have google earth
Timerlandko's ranch. And you can see the streets in the grass!
and the co-ordinates spot on T/branch.
A closer view for those who don't have Google Earth plus :wink:
That's it fellas.
At one point Ma & Kev were up to seven dogs. As you pull up the driveway toward the house, they were an awesome welcoming committee.
She's down to 5 (I think), so it's still as noisy as it was.
Me being a city slicker, I would get nightmares out there in the boondocks.
Is your mother okay with living there by herself, t-branch?
Mapquest has a little better color resolution which helps to show the beauty of the area.
wow, there is absolut nothing around
CalamityJane wrote:Is your mother okay with living there by herself, t-branch?
She says it's harder at night. The pack of quadrupeds helps.
I just remembered a time my brother and I were out tooling around those farm roads. The roads wind a bit, and we ended up lost. It was mid-day, so the sun's position wasn't helping. "What's all this stuff?" Denny asked, pointing to the array of electronics hooked to the dashboard & console. Kevin had installed a working GPS. We fired it up, selected HOME and the nice lady's voice guided us back to Timberland. That was the first time I'd ever used GPS, it was before it was standard in any new car, circa 1998. I was happy Kev was such a gear-head.
CalamityJane wrote:wow, there is absolut nothing around

There's roads. You're a long way from nothin' if you've got roads.
They don't count patiodog. Houses, I'm only counting in houses....
t-branch, I can imagine getting lost there, especially at night. How
far is the next town and grocery?
<b>Mata Hari</b> wrote:They don't count patiodog. Houses, I'm only counting in houses....
t-branch, I can imagine getting lost there, especially at night. How
far is the next town and grocery?
Sheesh and I thought It was looking a little built up!
It ain't no sheep station...
<b>Mata Hari</b> wrote:t-branch, I can imagine getting lost there, especially at night. How far is the next town and grocery?
Cumberland, or
Cucumber-land, as my mom calls it, it about 12 miles down the road.
timberlandko wrote-
Quote:As for deer being pretty nice shitters, I guess that's a reasonably accurate assessment; their droppings typically are smallish, well-formed, fairly firm spheroid pellets, not unlike a large version of rabbit pellets. The droppings of individual deer in the wild generally are deposited relatively contiguously in a distinct pile, somewhat apart from the droppings piles of other deer, with the piles tending to be encountered more often in moderate to heavy forest as opposed to open field (seems deer like their privacy when it comes to that function). Other than the brush cover/open field deal, deer don't use a habitual latrine area; they'll **** just about wherever they happen to be when the urge strikes. Deer **** is not quite so yucky to look at as cow ****, but it doesn't really smell a whole lot different.
I remember that made me laugh a lot. I'd just got back from the pub when I read it.
By all means, call me Twiggy!
Hey, Twiggy ~~ I'm glad you stopped by. I hope you are all hanging in there.
I don't wanna go out on a limb here, but I think we'll stick around.
I just tripped over this one on an older thread that's recently come back into play.
timberlandko wrote:Straw man, irrelevant, and non sequitur. Evidently, you would have us believe you really aren't very good at this. If such in fact is your intent, your aim has been well achieved.
Vintage Timber.