Danon, if you think of Wien you think of Heurigen and Wein, I guess.:wink:
This picture shows a landmark of Vienna.
It is the Schottenstift, a Roman Catholic monastery founded in Vienna in 1155.
Interesting that it is called "Schotten= Scots, although the monks came from Ireland.
In the early Middle Ages, Irish monks were actively involved in missionary work. Ireland was known in Latin as "Scotia Major"; therefore, in German, Irish monks were called "Schotten" (Scots) or "Iroschotten", and the monasteries that they founded as "Schottenklöster." In the foundation documents of the Schottenstift, Henry II specified that it was to be occupied exclusively by these "Iroschotten" ("Solos elegimus Scottos").
So there are Irish roots, but St. Patrick's Day is not in our cultur.
How do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?