Well, women are from Venus, soooooooooooooo
Give me a kiss to build a dream on
and my im-ag-i-na-tion will thrive up-on that kiss.
Sweet-heart, I ask no more than this,
a kiss to build a dream on.
Give me a kiss be-fore you leave me
and my im-ag-i-na-tion will feed my hun-gry heart.
Leave me one thing be-fore we part,
a kiss to build a dream on__________
When I'm a-lone___ with my fan-cies, I'll____be with you,
weav - ing ro-man-ces, mak-ing be-lieve they're true.
Give me your lips for just a mo-ment
and my im-ag-i-na-tion will make that mo-ment live.
Give me what you a-lone can give,
a kiss to build a dream on.
See? Music does soothe the savage breast.