Mon 7 Jul, 2003 10:30 am
Are you going to watch?
Have you seen the commercials? Since I dont watch the regular networks often, I just got to see whats in store for this go round.
In the words of a dear past contributor
This could get ugly fast and furious.
All I can picture is avoidance, name calling, back stabbing and in general a deep sense of shock and horror.
How in the world can these people handle being trapped in the same house with Exs? You know they arent going to have those still friends exs wouldnt be good for ratings. Its got to be the horrors of exs is what Im guessing.
Anyone else know any more?
We have a new series of Big Brother running in the UK and the ratings are way down.. Another over hyped, overused routine.
What little I've seen of it leaves me shaking my head in disbelief at the banality of it
...I think it's the same in Germany...
well..its a twist on the usual routine....guess its anything to keep people watching...where itll lead is the real scary thought
I keep wondering here how this all they know they are going in with their exs or are they to be shocked by it...that could hurt I would think but, I dont know.
It cant be as bad as that one I saw one night with people at some hotel switching around bedrooms and kicking out/inviting new people in all the time....I couldnt bear to watch that....or the recent for love or money thingy....although Im sure someone out there has some good information on all of them...Id rather not.
I have enjoyed BB in the past..havent seen all of them but, they have been interesting of what I did see. If they go to some wierd stuff like these others though...I prolly wouldnt watch for long.
Okay..the web site must have been updated....they wont know about their exs...yikes.
Alison-22, says shes bossy with a big mouth, her personal hero is Britany Spears, and she hopes to stay faithful to her boyfriend, not lie or talk behind backs
Dana-28, honest big mouth with hope of letting others win the game for her, and losing is not an option
David-21, interested in the money money money, adaptable to any situation with Fred Flintstone as a personal hero
Erika-33, Strong, competitive, compassionate interested in making alliances to win
Jack-58, Witty, confident, outgoing with personal hero in JFK, who intends to build strong alliances and be non-threatening
Jun-27, Picky, affectionate, independent whos strength is her quick wit, wacky sense of humor and woman power and weakness is
her self-centeredness, too-quick tongue and girliness.
Nathan-23, Exciting, spontaneous, competitive, hard to read and understand that gets aggravated very easily.
Scott-33, high energy, crazy whos strengths are his personality, mental toughness and weakness is his hairy back. His only worry..not enough bathroom time.
The rest of the spots are open.
I've watched Big Brother in the past. But this new twist--bringing in exes--had me squirming with discomfort. Is this supposed to be a good idea?
It's a transparent ploy to increase the sexual tension.
It will probably work.
maximom is hooked.
Personally, I prefer "Last Comic Standing"
My teenaged daughter and I love to watch, too. We criticise them with reckless abandon!!!
But, it gives me the creeps, thinking their children will be watching this tripe.
I don't think these people have much self-respect or care much about what they're doing to their kids. <Unless thy act with some decency> I mean, what if they get nuzzly? Will the kids think mom and dad are getting back together--when they might just be horny? What if dad gets with someone else's ex, and mom is distraught? Wouldn't that KILL you if it was your parents?
Yeah, it was a wierd little twist to say the least. The comfort level in that house went down to almost nothing instantly. However, the highschool sweetheart ex isnt all that bad...innocent relationship still friends and all...the rest though..oh how painful. Ex fiances, liv ins, sore breakups. Found it interesting that the group decided right away to vote the exes off matter what. I wouldnt want to imagine it thats for sure. Found it good to do filing while watching too.....guess Im just not that interested in it, feeling uncomfortable for them perhaps. Maybe itll change, Ive enjoyed it in the past.
This is on three nights a week! Too much. It's interesting to see that the people without exes are on the fringes of what's going on.
I'm starting to develop likes and dislikes. I'll be curious to see how this all sorts itself out. But three nights a week is a commitment I'm not willing to make.
Yeah, threenights a weeks seems excessive but, you just never know when you'll catch it so, I guess its good to at least see it from the start.
I watched the first two, but since getting back from the baja - have not had time - heck I don't even know when it's on yet

LOL at me
Looks like its Tuesdays and Fridays at 8
Wednesdays at 9
confusing...but, eh...maybe catch a great deal of them anyway
I am so glad psychotic Dana was voted off!
Now I have centered my dislike on Allison. It's funny how you can change opinions of some people--really dislike/like them, and completely change your opinion. I really hated Jun, but I got over it.
I couldn't believe how Allison started the gay rumor about Nathan. He has been so good to her. I couldn't stab someone in the back like that.
Gee turns out to be an obsessive/compulsive. He brushes each tooth five times, and when bathing--has to wash in fives... Well. I'm sure he smells good. Robert seems nice, but too weepy for me.
I wish Jack could win--but I don't know why. He seems nice. Wouldn't mind Erika winning--but I wish she's eat something. You can be too thin.
I was surprised they got naked for the last challenge.
I missed the naked challenge...but, it probably wasnt that ummm interesting.
I am so glad Dana got out too...jeesh...shut up already your asking for a butt kicking...well, she got it.
Yeah...that erika....between the HAVE a sandwich dammit thoughts though I have..WHO did your eyebrows? they are so wrong...but, shed just look better so, who am I to say???
I dont know who I want out of whats left to go anywhere/get anything at this point. Still just watching.
Well...I m not sure if Im shocked or enthralled that they didnt vote for Allison.
Glad anyway..but, what a a hard one...the lesser of the two evils.
I went into it thinking..who knows how they'll vote but, I really didnt expect so many 6-1 to vote for Jun.
Seemed like the candidates got the point of what kind of people they were in the house and that the jury really didnt want to vote for either of them....thats a hard pill to swallow even with a 1/2 million and 50K prize attached.
Ah well...until next season.
I have a strict policy of NEVER watching big brother. In general I avoid reality programs like the plague.
Quinn, I wouldn't have wanted to vote for either of them as well. What they attribute to game-playing, I attribute to nastiness and bad behavior.