Papers show British Air Force hunted after UFOs

Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 03:29 pm
And for next to nothing, you can get someone to set up a web site, go on book promotion tours, and speak at conventions by simply pointing out to them how quickly and thoroughly fools can be separated from their cash.
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 03:48 pm
Oooo. What anger and frustration.

I'll just counter your salivating rants with rational arguments. This is the eventual conclusion of the Cometa report by the French government:

"In its conclusion, COMETA claims that the physical reality of UFOs, under control of intelligent beings, is "quasi-certain." Only one hypothesis takes into account the available data: the hypothesis of extraterrestrial visitors. This hypothesis is of course unproven, but has far-reaching consequences. The goals of these alleged visitors remain unknown but must be the subject of speculations and prospective scenarios."

Contributed to this report:

-General Bruno Lemoine, of the Air Force
-Admiral Marc Merlo,
-Michel Algrin, Doctor in Political Sciences, attorney at law
-General Pierre Bescond, engineer for armaments
-Denis Blancher, Chief National Police superintendent at the Ministry of the Interior
-Christian Marchal, chief engineer of the national Corps des Mines and Research Director at the National Office of Aeronautical Research
-General Alain Orszag, Ph.D. in physics, armaments engineer
-The committee also expresses its gratitude to outside contributors including Jean-Jacques Vélasco, head of SEPRA at CNES, François Louange, President of Fleximage, specialist in photo analysis, and General Joseph Domange, of the Air Force, general delegate of the Association of Auditors

So, maybe you could stick it to them as well -- enlighten those skinny amateurs with your visionary depth.

Crying or Very sad
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 04:01 pm
I'm not angry or frustrated, nor was i salivating or ranting. So tell me, Wolf, what is your source for the report your cite, got a link? What precisely does anyone mean by "quasi-certain?" I was also very surprised to learn that the "French government" as a whole would summarize such a report, rather than any particular agency. But more surprising is to learn that the French, so language-proud, would summarize a report in English.

What's your source, Wolf?
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 04:01 pm
wolf wrote:
I didn't wanna step on your toes, sweetcomplication. Of course I feel too.

What I mean is, that there is a lot of scientific investigation to be done into the UFO phenomenon, before leaping to judgments. And a bit of detective work quickly tells us that very credible people gave very incredible testimonies on this subject.

1. Thank you :wink: ;

2. As Setanta would say: Gotcha, boss! :wink: :wink: ...
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 04:04 pm
Craven de Kere wrote:
For 50 bucks I'll get a scientist or "expert" to say anything. For a little more I can get him/her to do this in a court of law.

Ain't that the truth? Now, that, has got to be both the most prescient as well as the funniest bit I've seen from you yet! :wink: Laughing
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 04:04 pm
Well, wolf, since you worked on this subject for more then ten years scientifically, you certainly read the mentioned not only in hundred ufo-related websites but in the original version as well.

And then, you certainly know that "il reste un faible pourcentage de cas (4-5 %) auxquels le SEPRA n'a pu donner d'explication".

This means that 95 to 96% of documented cases have natural or other reasons, which can easily explained. Just 4 - 5% rest, where -due to different reasons, e.g. no documents can be found etc., rest unsolved.

This here, quoted on many websites as landing place of a UFO is just a part of a mushroom
... says SEPRA.
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 04:07 pm
I like that Walter, Wolf's unimpeachable source refers to un faible pourcentage--a weak percentage. That is a rather judgemental statement, suggestive of disbelief, rather than any contention of "quasi-certain" evidence of alien visitation. If you can find any source for this report in the original Walter, i'd be interested to read it.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 04:20 pm
Here is a link (for the production of French quotes I either get more money then Craven offered :wink: ... or have a link. However, I though, wolf had the original ...):

Le Cnes face aux phénomènes inhabituels

Compare this with these results:

Google search on 'Cometa report'
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 04:32 pm
Thanks, Walter, here's the several paragraphs from which you took your faible pourcentage quote:

Mais il reste un faible pourcentage de cas (4-5 %) auxquels le SEPRA n'a pu donner d'explication, en l'état de nos connaissances. Ces enquêtes ont permis de confirmer la réalité physique de certains phénomènes qui résistent encore à l'analyse après examen. Les cas de Trans-en-Provence en 1981 (phénomène de forme ovoïde, se déplaçant silencieusement et ayant laissé des traces au sol ainsi que d'importantes modifications biochimiques constatées sur la végétation environnante), et du vol AF-3532 du 28 janvier 1994 (phénomène perçu visuellement par un équipage Air France et corrélé avec des mesures radar) en sont deux exemples.

De tels dossiers restent donc ouverts. "Le fait de ne pas comprendre ne doit pas susciter la spéculation. En tant qu'organisme scientifique, ce n'est pas dans notre rôle de prendre parti dans de tels cas inexpliqués, encore moins dans le débat sur l'existence ou non d'extra-terrestres" dit Roland Ivarnez.

Le sujet est certes délicat, mais le CNES n'accepte pas certaines critiques formulées à l'encontre de cette activité. "En tant qu'agence spatiale, il est normal que l'on fasse appel à nous dans ce domaine et cela fait partie de notre mission de service public" déclare Roland Ivarnez. "Nous y accordons des moyens qui sont limités mais en adéquation avec l'importance toute relative du sujet par rapport à l'ensemble des missions du CNES. Par contre il est vrai que nous sommes sollicités de par l'intérêt du public et des médias bien au-delà de l'importance réelle de ces phénomènes."

Pour sa part, Jean-Jacques Velasco reconnaît la difficulté de sa tâche : "Pour certains je représente l'autorité qui va décréter que ces phénomènes ne se produisent que dans la tête des gens, ou bien qui sont systématiquement reconnus après analyse. Pour d'autres, je suis celui qui va les conforter dans leurs attentes et croyances que les petits hommes verts existent". Face à ces attitudes, le CNES ne peut que réaffirmer son ouverture d'esprit et son approche de grande rigueur scientifique dans ce domaine.

This hardly constitutes the ringing endorsement which Wolf would have us believe CNES to have made. His citation, for which he has not yet provided a source, includes the following: "Only one hypothesis takes into account the available data: the hypothesis of extraterrestrial visitors. This hypothesis is of course unproven, but has far-reaching consequences. The goals of these alleged visitors remain unknown but must be the subject of speculations and prospective scenarios." This, or course, appears nowhere in the text you've linked.

But here's the statement which kills Wolf's contention: "Le fait de ne pas comprendre ne doit pas susciter la spéculation. En tant qu'organisme scientifique, ce n'est pas dans notre rôle de prendre parti dans de tels cas inexpliqués, encore moins dans le débat sur l'existence ou non d'extra-terrestres" dit Roland Ivarnez.

For those here who do not read French: "The fact of not understanding must not support speculation. As a scientific body, it is not our role to take sides in such unexplained cases, and even less so in the debate about the existance or non-existance of extraterrestrials" says Roland Ivarnez.
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 08:55 pm
Despite your theatrical cynicism, you seem to be very interested in the UFO phenomenon, Setanta. Strange how much credit you give it, if you consider it to be crap. You've even dug up some details -- you're right: officially, the report is not from the French government.

Cometa is composed, however, of people who work for the French government in the highest places. Here we have indeed an experienced assembly of Defense specialists with established titles, ranks, qualities, experiences and qualifications who say that the UFOS are real and that some are probably of extraterrestrial origin, and that the government should be worried about this. No more, no less.

Now onto your percentages, Walter: a mere 4% unexplained cases of a thousand cases makes 40 vehicles of a highly probable extraterrestrial origin. There were thousands of cases submitted in several reports from the USA to France.
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 09:00 pm
No, outside of this thread, i don't give UFO's a single thought. You are so determined to be convinced, you can't see the refutation before your eyes. You're going to web sites which will confirm what you already wish to believe--and the grifters who make money off of the likes of you have a name for you: sucker. Likely, nothing anyone here says will change your mind, because it is closed--you've already decided what you wish to believe, and go looking for confirmation. The text above has your "quasi-certainty" phrase, but nowhere else in that text is there any passage that can be remotely translated into what you've posted. I'd say it is very likely that your source, which you still haven't presented here, had intentionally done an false translation, for sake of the flim-flam they're running on the credulous. The text does say, emphatically: "The fact of not understanding must not support speculation. As a scientific body, it is not our role to take sides in such unexplained cases, and even less so in the debate about the existance or non-existance of extraterrestrials" -- which you choose to ignore. The report you cite does not support what you contend--in fact, it denies it.
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 09:07 pm
Seldom have I encountered such a blasé creature as yourself. You really thought I made it all up didn't ya:

Cometa link: Rapport Cometa

Studied and translated by CUFOS (Centre for UFO studies): here
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 09:46 pm
I believe absolutely everything I hear on Art Bell's Coast to Coast...at least at 3 A.M.
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 09:48 pm
Not for a moment did i believe that you'd made anyting up. My contention all along has been that you've been taken in by those with a specific agenda . . .

Your Rapport Cometa link leads you to a site, not by any agency of the French government, but one maintained by an individual, one Marc Angee. This is from the introductory page of his site, at which the UFO nonsense is just a part:

Ce site a pour but de faire l'apologie de la science contre toutes les formes d'obscurantisme.
De la science comme facteur de progrès pour l'humanité, non pas telle qu'elle est pratiquée, mais telle qu'elle devrait l'être, c'est à dire :

sans dogme,
avec une ouverture d'esprit constante vers la nouveauté, ( 1 )
en élargissant ses domaines de recherche, ( 2 )
avec plus de transparence et de démocratie.
Car la science, même si les scientifiques s'en défendent, a toujours été et est encore trop souvent dogmatique.
Ainsi, elle apparaît par bien des aspects comme une nouvelle religion :

Son Dieu se nomme hasard.
Elle a ses saints.
Elle a ses grands prêtres.
Elle a ses messes.
Elle a ses conciles.
Elle a ses inquisiteurs.
Enfin, elle a aussi ses hérétiques.

"This site has for its purpose the making of an apologia for science as opposed to all forms of obscurantism. Of science as a factor of the progress of humanity, and not as it is practiced, but as it ought to be, which is to say: without dogma, with a constant openness of spirit toward novelty, and enlargement of the domains [or realms] of research, with a greater transparence and democracy . . . Because science, even though scientists will deny it, has always been and still is too often dogmatic. Thus, it appears in a great many aspects like a new religion: It's god calls himself chance, it has saints, it has high priests, it has masses [i.e., religious ritural proceeedings], it has its councils, it has its inquisitors, and, finally it has its heretics."

Your boy Marc here may preach a doctrine of which you approve, but he is obviously not to be taken for an established scientist. Were you to object that say as much makes me a dupe of some hidebound scientific community, it would matter little to me--you have nevertheless shown that you are relying upon a source which is not only not a part of that group which prepared the French report, but a source which declares himself to be inimical to the established scientific community whose work he has claimed to use. I consider him to be therefore a suspect witness, someone who brings an agenda to the examination of the material. He cannot be considered a reliable source. If you ever bother to provide a link to the report itself, i'd be interested to read. I have no interest in reading the report as filtered by someone whose stated purpose at the outset is to ridicule and belittle the scientific community you have claimed supports your thesis.

I'm not going to waste much time on the CUFOS site, because in going there, one of the first things which i noticed was their "Roswell page." In clicking on the link, i was taken to a PDF document which began with recounting the "UFO incident" by describing how it had been "seen flitting across the skies." No such claim was ever made anywhere. A hired caretaker found debris which he turned in to the United States Army Air Corps; and another major blunder in their specious text--there was no United States Air force until July 26, 1947--you may consider that minor, but the point is that they have twice shown themselves to be completely unreliable about facts within three paragraphs--Mr. Brazel picked up debris in the first week of July, and reported it to the USAAF, something he had done in the past. There are no contemporary reports of any UFO sightings in the sky near Rowell at that time. Rather than take at face value, i try to find out something about the authors, or i compare their material to other evidence. In so doing so far, i've found that someone you link for the Cometa Report is actually someone who is dedicated to an intellectual assault on the scientific community who you claim provide the evidence you've been touting. I go to the other link, and find a group making claims about themselves which i'm not prepared to believe, because the first document i find has numerous errors within the opening paragraph and is in direct contradiction of the recorded events of what has been blown out of proportion as the Roswell Incident, something which did not occur until 30 years after the event, and was accomplished by a man whose purpose was to write an sell a book, without regard for any sincere investigation of the truth. I can offer you links which debunk your crap as easily: Committe for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal--Rowell Page[/color].

You have not yet provided a single reliable source. As for the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, you should check them out, they are a fine resource, and i've taken the time to back track through all of their claims of credentials. They are legitimate--unlike the authors of the two sites you've linked. You've now twice posted here at A2K the following statement from your beloved CUFOS:

CUFOS wrote:
In its conclusion, COMETA claims that the physical reality of UFOs, under control of intelligent beings, is "quasi-certain." Only one hypothesis takes into account the available data: the hypothesis of extraterrestrial visitors. This hypothesis is of course unproven, but has far-reaching consequences. The goals of these alleged visitors remain unknown but must be the subject of speculations and prospective scenarios.

In fact, only the expression "quasi-certain" is a part of the portion of the French text which i found at the site Walter provided above. The rest of this paragraph was made up from whole cloth by the authors of the CUFOS site, and it is not a translation of any portion of the French report. You're being played for a sucker by people like this, and haven't the wit to realize it. Perhaps someday you will. If you can't come up with any better substantiation for your crap claims than that, i'll thank to refrain in future from sneering at me, or advising me to "grow a brain."
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 09:54 pm
Here, that may be a lot of reading for you to digest, i'll put it simply. Neither link you provided has the text of the French report. The first link is Marc Angees interpretation of the report, the second is simply a bald translation of his text--neither text in French or English is the text of the report you keep touting.
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 10:06 pm
Hey, I just got a crazy thought- why don't you two just agree to disagree -wolf believes that ufos are extraterrestrial, and Set thinks that wolf is gullible and silly....on second thought, never mind.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 10:08 pm
heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .

yer a bad man, Boss . . .
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 10:17 pm
extraterrestrial: way too much dirt in your yard
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 10:19 pm
Ba - da - bing:

buh - dum- dum!

Laughing :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2003 10:28 pm
Thank ye fer the rim shot....I now will make my bowtie spin around...
0 Replies

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