contrex wrote:
Lordyaswas wrote:
And what are your views, pray tell, on the months of nastiness aimed towards the English from our Scottish brethren?
Or Is it only the actions of a small English grocer that has angered you enough in all of this to make it worthwhile for you to give us the benefit of your opinion?
What "Scottish brethren"? From the the polls, more or less half of those intending to vote want to stay. I have heard reasoned arguments and friendliness from many Scottish nationalists. I was in Edinburgh three weeks ago for work, and had a very nice time and was very nicely looked after. If I see a prick, on either side of the border, I'll call him that.
I must apologize then, as you having a nice time in Edinburgh has changed my mind about the constant whingeing and blatant racism being chucked at the English AND Scottish No campaigners over the past months/years.
Maybe it was all a figment of our collective imagination.....maybe it..... wait a minute, what's this I spy......?
From the Telegraph, back in Dec 2012.....around about the time when Salmond was just starting to really get into gear, I believe.....
"Police recorded 1,295 racist incidents in 2011/12 where the victim was white and British. The total is up a quarter on the previous year and 57 per cent more than in 2004/05.
The category includes both attacks on English people and incidents where the victim is Scottish and the perpetrator is from an ethnic minority.
But the vast majority of perpetrators were also white, suggesting that many cases involved racism against the English.
SNP ministers said they were “very disappointed” by the figures but opposition parties said racist attacks against English people should be treated with the same seriousness as those directed at ethnic minorities.
The overall number of racist attacks increased by 10 per cent last year, with the largest number of incidents directed against the Pakistani community.
However, while the number of Pakistani victims has fallen markedly in recent years, attacks against white Britons have increased and they are on course to become the ethnic group most likely to be subjected to racism.
Willie Rennie, the Scottish Liberal Democrat, leader said: “We cannot allow anti-English rhetoric to creep into society and the SNP government must to all it can to combat this.
“While racism against some ethnic groups is falling, it is still far too prevalent in Scottish society. This includes racist abuse directed towards the English, which is just as bad as any other form of racism and cannot be tolerated.”
John Lamont, Scottish Tory chief whip, added: “If it is an increase in anti-English behaviour from those living in Scotland, we have to treat it with the same severity we do any other racist incident.”
But Christopher Thorpe, a doctor in cultural sociology at Aberdeen’s Robert Gordon University, said he thought the police were recording more cases because people were becoming less tolerant of racist attitudes.
The Scottish Government figures showed there were 5,389 racist attacks last year, an average of 15 per day and the first increase in five years. The record total compares to 4,911 in the previous year.
Broken down by the ethnic origin of the victims, they showed that 23 per cent of attacks (1,357) were directed against Pakistanis and 22 per cent (1,295) against white Britons.
Since 2004/05, the number of incidents with Pakistani victims has fallen from 1,773, a drop of nearly a quarter.
Over the same period the total involving white Britons has increased from only 826 and is on course to become the most common type of racist attack. More than four out of five perpetrators last year (83 per cent) were also white and British.
Only three per cent of wrongdoers were Asian, suggesting the vast majority of attacks were white-on-white and English people were the victims.
Men aged between 26 and 35 were the most likely victims, while perpetrators were most commonly men aged 20 or younger.
Roseanna Cunningham, the Community Safety Minister, said: "Scotland has an outstanding reputation as a welcoming and tolerant nation and we cannot let a minority of people tarnish our image.
“Regardless of the reasons for the increase, we must continue with the work we are doing to tackle racism and hatred in all its forms whilst constantly looking at new ways of getting across the message to the next generation of young Scots.”
Salmond and his thugs have been stirring this up for years, and not a peep from you.
One English grocer writes a letter and you spit your Earl Grey onto the screen in rage.