Quote:Romeo said: many whites simply won't pay to watch a black star.
McTag replied:What nonsense.
Sidney Poitier, Whoopie Goldberg, Eddie Murphy, Denzel Washington...
Some of the highest-paid and respected stars in Tinseltown, over decades.
Money talks.
When I heard they were remaking Jerry Lewis's "The Nutty Professor" i was delighted, but when I learned they'd cast a black (Murphy) in the part I lost interest and have never watched it and never will.
There must be thousands of whites who feel the same way. One day the movie moguls will wake up and realise black stars are losing them box office revenue.
Hey McTag I've been meaning to ask, are you one of them Scots who'll be voting for Scottish independence?
And if Scotland does become independent will you be going back there or stay in England as a foreign immigrant?..