‘London beganas a city of foreigners, and long continued as a government town, whose resident authority overawed native British custom’ (Morris, 1982, 280-281).
Around 1500, London had a population between 50,000 and 100,000 with more than 3,500 foreigners. In the 17th century, about 20,000 European Jews immigrated from continental Europe to England/London, about 20,000 Black inhabitants lived in Georgian London, ... ... ...
London and England have "long experience of playing host to cultural elites (or cultural servants of the elite), to refugees and would be revolutionaries, to upwardly mobile people seeking an introduction to the world of affairs, and to larger numbers looking simply for work".
(All quotes from London School of Economics and Political Sciences/City of London: The Impact of Recent Immigration on the London Economy, London, 2007)