Quote:The scare about the MMR vaccine has been shown to be nonsense.
Well--Blurr, when asked if his kids had been vaccinated, refused to answer. Most people took that to mean that they hadn't. And an Italian court has said that it is not nonsense.
About 5,000 kids are killed or seriously injured in road accidents in the U.K. every year.
As far as I understand the case the girls have not been vaccinated yet despite the lady judge setting a midnight deadline last Thursday.
An expert on Newsnight who was in favour of the forced vaccination of the two girls said that immune systems were an important factor. Which means I suppose that there is an assumption that all kids have weak immune systems and that assumption is not shared by the mother. I presume that low income countries have weak immune systems as a matter of course.
There is an obvious danger that if the forced vaccinations take place the girls might start "acting up". Are you in favour of dragging them kicking and screaming into the clinic and holding them down if they resist?
I don't think a father who has left the home should have any say in the matter. His contribution to the existence of the girls is desultory, to say the least, compared to the mother's.