All the historical pttery makers in the US had folded into the 1970's. Porcelain majolica and scraffito plates are a thing of the Victorian era. Today, most of the wares are these multi material things like Correlle orPyrex..
We still have a few of the hangers on that want the Limoge type work, They can go to France and get that . Im sure that one of the Limoge works will be producing a new set of plates and saucers for the Whitehouse. (Id like to se the tradition get discontinued and a set of plates become a NATIONAL design raher than some "vanity plate".
As far as Waterford, they were only some shop to visit in Dublin and Cork, bfd.
There will be a worldwide cleanup of the midieval arts and crafts. About time
I wont miss Wedgewood (despite my deep Darwinian bent)