I swear if I ever come up with a plot for a novel and sit down to write it I'm going to use spam names for all of the characters!
The Solar Biscuit has returned and was selling something vagely mortgage-esque.
It's all about Canada
And that includes 12 Cases
of Diet or Regular Pepsi
(Hmmm...why is my spam always about beverages?)
Tico wrote:It's possible, but I really don't think there are people out there called Habibi MacDonald
Hey! How did you get an email from me??
<snort, or is that snot?>
I think partaking in this particular hobby is certifiable proof that one is mad.
So here go my tries, based on the first two pages of the spamfolder in my gmail account...
by my posthumous
great only beginning What
salubrious do
(1st and 2nd lines are whole subject lines, 3rd line is an excerpt from one)
so twin of rubber
Lean muscle mass rebuilder
Go or september
("so twin" and "of rubber" were separate subject lines, the other lines are whole)
the best meds at hand
do feverish so, aubrey
nosebleed on poplin
(only added a comma in the second line, otherwise all whole subjectlines) (wait, can a haiku have a comma?)
Caterpillar wolf
go norris a turnaround
But sparling be hide!
("But sparling" and "be hide" were separate subject lines, the others whole ones. "Caterpillar wolf" was definitely the best subject line of the lot.. )
it be delicate
And middlemen no yorktown
But sparling go calve
(same as above)
Virile Estonia, hehheh..
Tai Chi is good at this! Hers make sense!
I mean, urr, relatively.
(Hers? His?)
envision leakage
for Portal, Toolbar I love
Full of health? Don't click!
-- from the Help Desk
nimh calls us "mad" then posts a gazillion spamkus.
These are some lovely spamkus you all are finding. Mine still don't make sense. I don't get a lot of spam. It's a blessing and a curse.
Here's one from today:
slave driver sentence
marque nymphomania
it so erasure
I did get what I think of as bonus spam today though:
From: Greene Willy Subject: morning sickness
boomerang wrote:nimh calls us "mad" then posts a gazillion spamkus.
Umm, yeah, that was the whole point, obviously.
Hence why I wrote: "I think partaking in this particular hobby is certifiable proof that one is mad. So here go my tries..".
I'd have thought the self-mocking in that was kind of blatantly obvious.
I'm sorry.
The obvious is always just beyond my reach.
Carry on.
Nah. I think I've had enough for the night.. I'm driving.

The spam file is filled with the usual ....
get laid like a king
build more sperm in your penis
dressed for success
But, there's one excellent name --
Pen Pichith
(I couldn't make these up if I tried.)
Ha! I love that one-- the little guy peeking in doubtfully from the corner is a good touch...
For delirium:
No mantis, but desolate
Sulfide to quasar.
Some sort of prescription, but I make no claims for its medical efficacy....
now this one thread...i really enjoy....
*pulls out chair...calls for drinks*
Turn back the clock!
Every woman loves you
transmitting orgies
VVince Romeo
(I'm sure there's a few Vince Romeos around, but how many VVinces could there possibly be?)
Okay then lostandseaching, time to pony up with a spamku!
I had some good spam today:
Look into future
Until then, no soup for you
So it as conflict.
Names of the day: Stanley Wong and Ophelia McClure.
That predatory
Become a Massage Therapist
Please Confirm Order
Today's names:
Antoinette Eastman
Tanisha Choi