So, after getting off the A at 59th Street at 4:55AM and finding out that it would be a GREAT idea to actually check the temperature before leaving the apartment - it was more than frizzing frigging cold - it was cold enough to ice your throat as you tried to suck in little bites of frozen air, I got back on the train with the idea that I would run the mile from 8th and 23rd to the gym and workout on the nice warm hated treadmill. I did. I started trotting briskly along, leaping over the little mounds of black snow at the street corner and avoiding the folks who were lurking in the entrance of the movie theatre. The theatre has a nice big sheltered area where it's popular to bunk down when you have no place else to go.
It was no warmer. I had on my thick Anna Maria sweatshirt and my striped jacket but it was just like being naked, luckily, I said to myself, it's only a mile and I put my head down and plunged ahead. As I crossed Seventh Ave I thought I saw some people bunked out on the sidewalk and I was right, but instead of a few there were a couple of hundred people. Some fast asleep, some sitting on beach chairs, some huddling together in little knots of humanity.
"What's this?" I asked the two shivering women as I plodded nearer.
"Last Comic Standing." The short one replied. "Auditions"
"Wow" I wheezed, "Good luck. Be funny." And I headed on down the street.
"Hey." said one of the standees, "I know you. You're someone."
It must have been the cold.
"No. No, not me."
"Yeah, aren't you like a musician?"
"No, "I said, looking at the sea of faces looking at me in the frigid air. "I'm a comic."
Everybody laughed.
They are going to be a great audience for each other.
So now I am pissed at myself for being such a wienie. They are following their dream and standing in the cold through the whole night just for a shot at telling three minutes of jokes to several hundred other people who all think they are funnier than they are. Comedy, it's a delightful sickness.
I go to the gym and run two miles on the treadmill with the tv off.
I go to the Marathon Clinic tonight and learn that I must learn to use sportdrinks and nutrition gels and that I am a Level Four - Advanced Intermediate Runner (able to run 5k in 9-10 minutes per mile). I am happy and less pissed off at myself.
This is us all gathered around Coach Shelly who is one tough cookie.
I think to myself as I ride the train home, running the marathon will be a lot easier than winning Last Comic Standing, but the drinks won't be as good.
Joe(jellybeans are permitted as energy food)Nation