Had to run the store on Sunday (grrr Holiday weekend) so I got up early and did the 5+ horseshoe with a little side trip to the Park Police HQ. (Cleanest restroom in the world.)
This morning I wanted to start by seeing Lady Liberty in the harbor. So I got on the number 1 train, but remember tourists, they always screw the schedule up on the weekends, so we all had to take a bus from Chambers Street. Past the Mysterious BookStore and the Fountain Pen Hospital. (I need to go back.) Past City Hall and the World Trade Center site which, at least from what I could see, is still a very large hole in the ground. There
is the new Path Station for the trains from New Jersey.
I got off the bus and walked around the ferry building to the south edge of Manhattan.

You can't see her in this picture. Liberty is right between the pilings.

Anyway, here's the starting point. It's just to the west of the ferry building.There was still a little fog hanging around in the salt air.
The first mile or so was perfect.. Leafy overhanging trees on a smooth running surface. Folks sitting on their sailboats, sipping coffee while reading the paper... (how much would it cost to own a slip for a 35 foot sailboat.. don't tell me.)

It was all quiet along the waterfront with several boats, tugs and barges and pleasure craft making their way around the harbor.
All that has to end at some point. There is massive construction going on down at the south end and as soon as I turned the corner at the end of the park I was hit by the sounds of traffic and a breeze full of concrete dust.

This is looking back South from whence I came. The next three miles were about the same.
There were some diversions. Two ambulances and a mounted patrol, they were attending to some poor fellow in the back of one of these. I didn't stop to inquire why.

There have been at least two cyclists killed on this path, both by cars which had either gotten lost or were driven by drunks. The Westside Highway is rightnexttothepath for long stretchs as is another reason I don't really like running here. The cyclists themselves, (and here I should mention that I was a long time long distance cyclist and have over 50,000 miles of riding under my saddle.) are kind of stupid. That's unkind, I know, but they ride way too fast for conditions and at the spots where traffic crosses often, nearly always, ignore the signals and just travel into the path of cars coming from the left or the right. (They ain't going to win that bet every time.) That's why I try to get down here before any of them get out of bed. It's also why you see more of these:
Okay, so I got past the three horsemen (hey, ma, I ran faster then three horses!!!) and I put the pedal to the metal thinking that I would turn off at 34th Street but I missed it and ran all the way past where
the Frying Pan will be IF they ever let them re-open, to 42nd Street.
Another half a mile to the A train and headed home for breakfast.
Joe(I was very happy to see those red balls of the subway stop)Nation