Good one, Bill, but I couldn't get it to mind me.
Been a steady drizzle here in NYC for the past two days. There was no one on the loop on Friday morning except for a few bicycles and two ambulances (?) What the?? They zoom by, lights flashing and you think "Well, over this next rise is some poor duff who crashed his bike or a codger whose heart decided THIS was the perfect morning to stop mid-stride or..".. but then there is
nothing to see over that rise. No mangled bike, no one being lifted like a log onto the back of the ambulance, just the two ambulances sitting side by side on the roadway with the driver's yapping back and forth through the open windows. (Vultures, I mutter as I run by.)
There is no better motivator for going fast then the advent of incoming weather. Once upon a time in Oklahoma, we were riding our bikes way out in the country. Off in the distance we could see the thunderheads of a big storm rising. Out there you do the math, if you can see the rainline -it looks like there is a curtain hanging down from the cloudbank, -- the storm is about fifteen miles away. Since the average storm moves at about thirty five miles per hour you've got about twenty minutes to find some place to get hunkered down. You do not want to be out on the plains when one of those greenish black cloud formations starts hulking over you.
So we started riding really fast and LO there at the far end of a section line we saw the lights of a Seven-Eleven, out there is the middle of no where. Now some big drops are falling and I have my Carabella hooked up and spinning at about 30mph, my head is low and I am gazing at those distant lights knowing that it is going to be close. I come zooming around the corner and turn into the parking lot.... .
gravel parking lot as it turns out and just wet enough that even though I got my ass a WAY BACK on the bike and even though I had both brakes squeezed up all the way to the handlebars, I skidded and slid and banked and skittered over the whole sixty five yards and did a perfect head and shoulder tackle on the side of that convenience store.
Brick convenience store.
Nothing broken but my pride
Joe(and my helmet)Nation